Monday, June 28, 2010

Colorado and Las Vegas - here I come!

I'm so excited!  I just booked my flight to Colorado!  For more than a year now, I've been planning a trip to Las Vegas to attend the first World Expo hosted by DeafNation.  The original plan was to drive up there with Jon and to make lots of pit stops along the way to see grand sights like Grand Canyon and Route 66.  Somehow, the plan evolved to Jon driving up to Colorado to spend time skydiving (and floating in a tunnel!) and hang out at a Deaf Pilot's convention thingie.  Of course, I'm always up for adventure so I thought it would be so cool if I met Jon there to explore Denver for a few days before we road-trip it to Las Vegas.

After we're done with Las Vegas, we'll (hopefully) see the Grand Canyon on the way back and I'd REALLY love to take Route 66 back towards Texas.

Gears are turning in my head already - what I should pack, what I might need to buy, how to plan the road trip back to Texas, what I want to see, what I want to do and most importantly - how should I preserve the memory!?  Of course, the answer's easy enough - take photos, lots and lots of them!  However, if you know me, you know I have lousy memory sometimes.  Chances are that I would forget where I took that photo, what day I took it and why.  So - I think I'm going to bring along a binder with page protectors (the sleeves you put papers in).  I'm going to drop in momentos like tickets, receipts, maps, brochures and anything else I pick up along the way.  I'll also (or at least try) to make notes on some photos.  The end result: a snappy scrapbook!

Over the next few days, I plan to do lots of research.  With Jon out of town, I'm sure to have a lot more time on my hands (but I will definitely be happy when he gets back).  I'm going to be looking into shows that I might want to see in Las Vegas (maybe America's Got Talent is hosting a show there while we're in town!), things I want to check out (maybe the Titanic exhibit? I'm a fan... and maybe the MGM lions, I hear that MGM has a habitat for them).  So many things to do, so much potential and so little time...

Did I mention I'm excited?  Whoo-hoo!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Still Lost

*Note: This is late, but better late than never...

One of my all-time favorite TV series has come to an end.  I enjoyed its entire 6-year run.  Although I became extremely frustrated at the writers from time to time, it was eventually worth it when the questions were (eventually) answered.

I looked at Lost as a "one step forward, two steps back" TV show.  Whenever one question was answered, much more were brought forth.  Guess that formula worked - millions of us kept watching every season to see what would happen.

The finale wasn't what I was expecting.  In some ways, it was satisfying - an excellent way to wrap up 6 years of confusion.  However, bits of it was disappointing.  I decided to compile a list of why I'm still "lost."  There are still tons of questions that went unanswered and if I'm going to watch something as confusing as Lost for 6 years, I'd expect answers to each and every one of them.

I stumbled across this website and this website had the same questions I had.  What was up with the polar bear, how did it get on the island?  Apparently, I wasn't paying attention.  What was the Man in Black's name (and what's the deal with witholding that information from us)!?  Why was Widmore so invested in the island?  What happened to Walt when he was kidnapped?  Each character was "assigned" a number - a number that was part of the combination to prevent the island from going into electromagnetic "whatever" - but the show didn't explain why that character got the particular number.  And what I'd really like to know is whether Ben is really good deep down inside or if he's just nuts.

Anyway, this website answers covers some questions that I had and others that I didn't think of.  Unfortunately, it doesn't answer ALL my questions.  Guess we're all just meant to be doomed to wonder about the little stuff...