Showing posts with label miscellaneous stuff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label miscellaneous stuff. Show all posts

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fierce Guard Dog

See the chicken?  Look closer.  Yes, that chicken.  That juicy bit of chicken from McDonald's, a very rare treat for me.  I'm guarding it from that annoying black dog who'll eat anything, including cat poop (which makes Mommy's job a whole lot easier).

Apparently I didn't do such a hot job of guarding it. This little rascal got to it as soon as I stepped away to attend to a private matter.

She's fast. Very fast. And oh so very annoying.

When I realized that 12am stole my chicken, I chased after her and gave her a lickin'.  Too bad Mommy didn't get a chance to get a picture of that.  THAT would have been cool....

Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Major Blonde Moment

The other day, I met a friend for lunch at a vietnamese restaurant.  Normally the food is good, but that day I was unfortunate enough to get some fatty meat.  When I'm there, I usually order the same pork dish.  That dish doesn't come with bones, but that day it came as a pork chop (which I hate).

Naturally, I complained about the quality of the meat and the fact that the bone was still attached.  I was picking off the bone and all the fat when I said "Gee, they didn't get rid of the meat."  Needless to say, I meant the fat.  Duh.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Jose Cuervo Christmas Cookies

During Christmas season, I receive a TON of emails with heartfelt stories, poems and cards filled with Christmas spirit. Some are nice, some I've seen last year (and the year before that, and the year before THAT) and some are just annoying. This one made me laugh. This was definitely an original and I'm hoping you enjoy it as much as I did.

Jose Cuervo Christmas Cookies

1 cup of water
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup of sugar
1 tsp salt
1 cup of brown sugar
4 large eggs
1 cup nuts
2 cups of dried fruit
1 bottle Jose Cuervo Tequila

Sample the Cuervo to check quality. Take a large bowl, check the Cuervo again, to be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink.

Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl.

Add one peastoon of sugar. Beat again. At this point it's best to make sure the Cuervo is still ok, try another cup just in case.

Turn off the mixerer thingy.

Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit.

Pick the frigging fruit off the floor.

Mix on the turner.

If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaters just pry it loose with a drewscriver.

Sample the Cuervo to check for tonsisticity.

Next, sift two cups of salt, or something. Who geeves a sheet. Check the Jose Cuervo. Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts.

Add one table.

Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find.

Greash the oven.

Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over.

Don't forget to beat off the turner.

Finally, throw the bowl through the window, finish the Cose Juervo and make sure to put the stove in the wishdasher.

Cherry Mistmas!

Monday, August 3, 2009

What's On The News

When something big happens, you tend to hear about it on the news all the time. I never really thought about it much until now. At times, it was pretty annoying. Other times, the news coverage was actually informative and helped all of us keep up with new discoveries in whatever big case or situation.

I have a pretty bad memory. I'll get my dates mixed up. When I'm telling a story, I can't remember whether it was a Monday or a Wednesday. I'll get the facts straight but they'll be jumbled up. I'll be the first to admit "I don't really remember for sure" or that facts are "vague." But if I know I'm remembering things right, I'll say so and I'll know I'm right.

So - because of my bad memory, I thought I'd record what I've been seeing on the news lately. Mostly for myself - so I can read this 5 years from now and be able to remember accurately what went on. Also, I thought it'd be fun to have another chance to complain about a few things.

First off - more than a month after Michael Jackson's funeral, I'm seeing news EVERYWHERE about him. People are still writing/talking about the funeral and how LA paid millions (1.2 million, I think) for his funeral. The funeral was free to spectators who wanted to visit and pay their respects. Later on, LA decided they wanted to ask citizens for help in paying for the funeral by making donations. Oops - guess they realized that they can't afford it. Not only they're STILL talking about the funeral (did you know that they're saying that MJ wasn't actually IN the coffin during the service at Staples Center?), there's lots of attention on his estate and his children. Who's going to get the estate? There was a brief argument over who would take the children - and ultimately the courts decided that MJ's mother will have full custody of them. NOW people are expressing concerns over the children's upbringing because MJ's mother is allegedly a Jehovah's Witness and Michael wanted to raise the children Catholic. Apparently it says so in the will... or maybe not. I'm not sure where the "catholic upbringing" is coming from.

What business is it of ours (including the media) to express concern over the children's religion? All that matters now is that they grow up in a loving, stable home environment that will teach them values and help them become good adults. Whether they're JW, Catholic or Baptist shouldn't matter at this point. They just lost their father and they are being uprooted from their home and they're trying to grieve in the middle of all this attention. Leave them alone.

I've been getting chain emails with a link to a video that supposedly shows MJ's ghost at Neverland Ranch recently. I was curious so I checked it out. I was able to discern the "shadowy figure" that people were talking about. Yes, it looks like a figure walking across the doorway. BUT - that's all I'm willing to acknowledge it as - a shadow. The footage could have been doctored. What made me laugh was that some people said "I thought ghosts only come out a year after they die? So that can't be MJ" People were taking this seriously. I thought it was crazy and moved on.

Another thing that I'm seeing on the news constantly is the careful watch on this year's Hurricane Season. Typically, hurricanes should have already been coming (and missing us). However, this year - no hurricanes have formed at all. Some people are rejoicing. Could this be a sign that we will not have any major storms that could wreak havoc on one of our cities and kill our citizens? Maybe so. Our weather has been really strange lately. We've had almost NO rain (except for a few days of downpour). What could this mean?

News stations are saying that this is indeed good news - BUT to be careful and still be prepared. In 1983, Alicia was the season's first hurricane (and most destructive for many years) and Alicia didn't come until August 15th. While it's valid to be concerned about the lack of hurricanes and be happy about it at the same time - I don't think it merits the amount of attention it's garnered.

Other than the upcoming tax free weekend, there isn't much on the news (that I care about). I'm about to go and watch this newest reality show - Dating in the Dark - it's funny, new, and an interesting social experiment. I wonder what else TV will come up with.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Don't Be Shy!

I'm usually messing around with my blog, looking for ways to improve it. When I say improve, I mean messing with the background once in a while, changing the layout, and adding gadgets. Tonight, I found a nifty gadget that I've added to my sidebar. It's a chatbox!

This allows all my faithful readers to give a little shout out (although, that's what the comment boxes are for, right?) and to let me know you're reading my blogs. Think of it as a mini-forum or a central point for all my readers to interact with one another.

I don't know how many different readers I have, but I get at least 5-10 hits a day. Maybe it's just one or two people checking back so often, lol.

So, if you're a fan and you've been reading, drop me a note and let me know you're around! Don't be shy!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Storm's Brewing

I was watching a special made-for-TV movie on the Disney channel with my daughter. My son was on my computer playing, for what it seemed to be the 100th time, a virtual reality Pony game. He is nuts about horses and I happened to find one where you could take care of a horse, feed it, give it water, groom it, take it for walks (it pees) and you can even race it. Logan LOVES the game. It's so kid-friendly that even he figured out how to navigate the game without my help.

Anyway, during a commercial, I glanced around the apartment for several things. I like to make sure that my dog, kids and my phone are ok. Yes, I check my phone to see whether the light's blinking green or blue. It's been green all day. Boo. :(

While I was glancing around the apartment, I noticed a very pink hue streaming through my windows. Curious, I looked out the window and was amazed by what I saw. Even though I'm not a fan of pink, what I saw was beautiful. I ran outside with my camera and attempted to take some photos. I'm not particularly savvy with a camera (but would like to gain photography skills) but I'm proud of what I've done. These photos have not been altered in any way.

Looking back at what I saw and at these photos, I got (and still get) an eerie feeling that a storm was/is brewing. The wind picked up somewhat while I was outside so that made it all the more spooky. The weather today certainly has fit my mood.

When I woke up, the sky was sunny and clouds were very fluffy and white. A short while later, it became dark and moody. It brightened up again only to become dark again. I thought this was an interesting end to an interesting weather today.

I hope you enjoy the photos - and let me know what you think!

This is my first picture right after stepping out of my apartment. The pink is barely there but it was noticeable.

While the front was pink, the back was purely white, grey and blue. I thought it was interesting how the sky could look so different just by walking to the back of my building.

This is the other side of the sky that's behind my building. Darker and more clouds.
After taking photos of the sky behind my apartment, I decided to go back to the front to see how the pink sky was doing. It had become much darker and a lot more pink in just a short amount of time. This is exactly what the sky looked like.
Another point of view of the sky in front of my building. Isn't it amazing?

Friday, July 10, 2009

A whole lotta effort

The other day, I had a brilliant idea. Why not revamp my blog again? This time - from scratch. AND create two new blogs... one for my daughter and one for my son. I decided that general things about myself, what I'm thinking and what I'm mad about will stay on my blog. What my kids have been up to (and their photos) will go on their blogs. Fun, huh?

I decided to start with banners. I found some backgrounds I liked and customized them. Took me a few hours of fighting with a program that is NOT user-friendly (VERY much like PhotoShop). I finally did it. I have their blogs up!

Today, I decided to do another project - completely changing my background and customizing a banner. I found a nifty background that I loved but it was WAY too narrow in the center. I decided to do a lot of cut and pasting and widened the borders. So far, so good. This also took me a couple hours of teaching myself HTML through a lot of trial and error. But - I did it. At least I'm coming away from this project with some knowledge. I certainly feel smarter now that I can manipulate stuff on my website (mostly related to column sizes, but hey, it's something!)

I also created a banner (this is what you see at the top of this blog right now) using a photo editing software. I'm lovin' it! BUT there are some kinks that I'm NOT happy with so I decided to totally REMOVE it all and put my original format back on. Ugh! Hours and Hours of work and nothing to show for. Oh well.

In the meantime, I've posted RSS feeds up on the side to my new blogs. If and when I post anything on either one of their blogs, you'll see it here. How cool is that?

I'm off - to write a blog about my son. Check back soon!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Captioning in Movies

If you're like me, you probably check websites every now and then to see if any good movies are showing in theatres with captioning. While messing around and doing some research on how open captions work, I found a website that allows RSS feeds on movies playing. I figured this would be an excellent way to check for updated information without having to check multiple websites.

This also saves me (and you) the hassle of checking back frequently to see if it's been updated. I remember waiting two days to check the website for updated information and finding out that I was 2 hours too late for a movie that I REALLY wanted to watch. That sucked.

I've put in an RSS feed over in the right column on this website for myself and any others who would like easy access to ALL movies playing in ALL theatres - regardless of whether it's OC or RW. Before today, I had to check three separate websites to get the information, so hopefully it'll save my finger from excessive mouse-clicking.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

White and Nerdy - Funny!

Found this video today... with subtitles!

White n Nerdy - Captioned Video- Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

My Favorite Comic

I first saw him on a summer reality show called Last Comic Standing. He ended up winning the season and the title. He's hilarious!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Kitten Tribute to Mario!

As you may already know by now, I'm a fan of Mario and his games. Well, I only like three of them. That's better than zero, I guess. I came across this photo online and decided that I just had to post it!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

1 Year and 21 Days Later

This past year has passed by extremely quick for me. I opened my blog and published my first three entries on April 1, 2008. A year of writing has passed me by - and I didn't even notice it until now.

I still enjoy writing and hope to continue writing for years to come. However, my biggest fear is running out of things, or meaningful things, to say. I think I ran out of things to say after my first week of writing. Ha-ha.

I have always tried to force myself to write and to write often... not because I wanted to have lots and lots of entries (well, maybe), but because I enjoy writing and would like to improve my creativity. After a while, I decided that the quantity of entries shouldn't matter - I should be focused on the quality.

Another problem I face with writing is picking something to write about. It's hard for me to decide whether it's meaningful or just random thoughts. Sometimes I might get the urge to write about something particular that's happened to me or something I saw. A few hours later, by the time I get to a computer or have time to collect my thoughts, I decide that it's not worth writing about. Maybe that's my problem. I'm always afraid that whatever I write will be boring to others. So, when in doubt, I don't write.

I've started to try to change my eating habits and improve my physical activity level. For some reason, thinking about that has made me think about wanting to improve my writing - or writing more. For the next year, I will strive to write what I'm thinking and feeling. I will write more about what I am going through. Even if I think it might be boring reading material, it might be beneficial to myself in the future. It will give me something to reflect on.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

You're not Alone...

Don't we feel like this from time to time? Nice to know we're not alone.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Dancing Kittens

I stumbled across this video today. I had not laughed so much in a long time... ok, I laughed plenty on Saturday when there was an, ahem, rollerblading accident. THAT was funny! In fact, I laughed about it on my way home from work today! I'm laughing about it now! Poor you, mystery person!

Anyway, these kittens are so CUTE! And so coordinated! Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

Quotes of the Day

Came across these two quotes and thought I would to make record of it...

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow."

"You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore."

Makes you think, don't they?

Friday, December 26, 2008

Video feature on your digital camera... USE IT!

I received an 8 GB flash drive for Christmas. As I was cleaning up my files and rearranging folders and whatnot so I could move them to my new flash drive, I found a really cute video of Frosty and Mocha from way back when I found Mocha. I was driving a bunch of kids home from summer camp when we stopped at a gas station near Waco. At the gas station, we found a homeless kitty that was just too adorable to leave alone. I ended up taking the kitty home with me and was looking for a home to put her in. While I was looking for someone who wanted a kitty, I kept her with me for a few days. This is a clip from when Mocha was living with me... How CUTE!!!

Update: This video was taken approximately a year and half ago. Frosty is now 2 and 1/2 and Mocha is a little over a year and 1/2. Mocha is living happily with a new best friend (who is also a doggy.. and who is ALSO Frosty's best friend!) and is being spoiled by her owners. Sadly, when I bring Frosty over to visit my friends and their dog, Mocha isn't too friendly and takes refuge in a secret hiding place.

Most digital cameras nowadays have a nifty little video feature on it. If you have it, use it. You'll be able to catch cute moments that you can cherish for the rest of your life. Use it - I'm glad I did. You'll regret it if you don't.