Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Yesterday's News

I check Yahoo news daily if I can help it. I don't necessarily read everything but I read whatever seems interesting. I regularly check the Featured, Entertainment and Local news. Yesterday, I found out that Obama won the Democratic nomination. Maybe that's old news by now (or so I was told), but it was the first I heard about it. I haven't watched the news or read Yahoo news in a couple days - so that explains why I wasn't up to date. But yesterday, I finally got around to reading the news and I came across something very interesting. OK - maybe not so interesting but it fascinated me for some reason. I was highly amused as well.

Yesterday, I read that Sarah Jessica Parker (the star of Sex in the City) was upset over a dress. Apparently, the dress she wore to her movie's premiere has already been worn twice before. She expressed disappointment in the people that mislead her, never correcting her assumption that the dress has never been worn before.

OK - I have to complain here. I realize that the A-Listers in Hollywood are "all that." They have tons of money and throw it around like it's nothing - buying $5k purses and $1k strollers for their babies. Everyone envies them in a way, whether it's fame, money or something else. But their lives definitely aren't easier.

I have to sit here and wonder, can people really be that materialistic and lame? I can't, for the life of me, figure out why people actually think it's OK to be upset over having worn a dress that was worn before. I don't know procedure or proper etiquette in Hollywood but I bet the makers/owners of the dress probably will be blacklisted by the celebrities for a while. It's all sad.

It just seems lately that I've been griping about this and that. I guess there's always something to complain about because there's just too many stupid people out there. But on the bright side, there are a lot of good people too. I guess that's what makes life bearable.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Life & Chocolates

"Life is like a box of chocolates.... you never know what you're gonna get." That's one of the most famous quote and probably most widely used - but I have to say it hasn't gotten boring yet... at least to me. I've always liked that quote. Why? Because well, it's actually true. None of those boring, stupid lame lines like "The grass is greener on the other side." DUH! Everyone thinks the grass is greener on the other side but no one ever thinks about how it's NOT greener to the person that's actually LIVING that life.

I wasn't planning to write a blog tonight but I figured - why not? I'm feeling wide awake among other things. I figured I wanted to see if my writing changed at all. Maybe it will. Maybe it wont. You be the judge of that and let me know.

Hmm, what to say? Life in general sucks, doesn't it? But right now - I don't really have any complaints. Yeah, I'm going through some tough times but who isn't? With the gas right now at ridiculous stupid $5.00 a gallon in Cali and almost $4.00 a gallon in Texas - who isn't miserable? Food prices are on the rise too. Economy sucks right now. It's ok - blame the war. Everyone does. It's better to have something to blame other than yourself. And you know what people? Your stimulus check isn't actually FREE money. It's "borrowed" money from your next year's tax refund. Did you know that? If you didn't check yahoo news frequently and are clueless, you probably didn't know that. I feel sorry for the suckers out there that spent all their $600-$1800 on clothing and stuff thinking it's all free money. They'll find out next year that their tax refunds are reduced and they'll be stuck knee-deep in credit card debt. Ha-ha. Who's laughing now?

Ok - enough about life. That's depressing. Let's talk about chocolates - that's much much better! I personally prefer dark chocolates. Yummy. Milk chocolate = ok but dark chocolate = orgasm. It's the best. I keep seeing advertisements for dark chocolates that it's also a natural antioxidant. It prevents cancer (supposedly)! All the more reason to eat tons of dark chocolates a day! Yummy. But - it'll cause pimples, some people believe. Yeah right. It'll also cure headaches too, but that's my personal belief.

And you know what's also bugging me? Stupid spam forwards from people who keep sending me info that's totally false. Here's news to you people - ever check out PLEASE, please, for the sake of mankind, check your information there first before you send me the stupid forward! It's pretty annoying when I get false info. You'd be surprised just how many people agree with me.

Since I'm talking very randomly about random stuff that random people randomly think about (seeing the pattern here?), one last random topic of the night - sleeping. Did you know that on average, we sleep away basically 1/2 of our life away? If we were alive for 100 years, we slept approximately 50 years of it. That's a bummer! Since I'm 26, I have already slept approximately 13 years of my life away! That really really sucks! I want to see things, explore the world, travel, see whatever exciting fun things there are to see. But I LOVE to sleep. I could sleep up to 12-14 hours a day if I didn't have responsibilities to attend to. That also meant sleeping my life away. Talk about double-standards. Oh well. I hope that in this life, I get to sleep all I want AND travel the world, see everything there is to see. We'll see if I get to accomplish that. Let's see if ANYBODY gets to accomplish that.

If there's anyone out there that was capable of sleeping all they wanted AND still saw the entire world (the important, amazing, fun, beautiful parts of it), let me know your secret. I want in on it.