Saturday, January 24, 2009

Charting in Unsafe Waters

Last week on Friday night, I did something that no mother should ever do.... something that NO ONE should ever do! I chaperoned a sleepover for my daughter's 7th birthday. Alone. In an apartment. On the third floor. With... 10 kids. And I survived.

Why I ever agreed to a sleepover is beyond me. Perhaps it came with the alluring promise of spending very little money - compared to other types of birthday parties. Spending less money meant a lot more work than it's worth. Having a sleepover also meant I would not have to deal with making polite awkward conversation with parents I don't even know for two hours. After 12+ hours with 10 kids, I'd trade that for 2 hours with their parents anytime.

It started and ended like a typical sleepover for 7-9 year olds. One by one, the girls arrived. Each and every one of them was extremely hyped up. I wouldn't be surprised if their parents give them bucketfuls of sugar just before dropping them off. I let the girls play for a while while waiting for pizza to arrive. Once pizza arrived, I passed out a slice to everyone and poured them all a drink. I popped in a movie and settled them all down in front of the TV. Hopefully - that will keep them quiet for 2 hours. Wrong. The movie, pizza and drink only kept them calm for 20 minutes. Maybe less. The girls decided they wanted to run around and make the biggest noise possible. After 3+ hours of yelling at select girls, telling them that I have people living below me and would they PLEASE be quiet, I gave up and decided to send them all off to bed.

About half listened. The other half complained about this one girl who proved to be the biggest troublemaker of all. Within the first 10 minutes this girl was here, I knew she was trouble. She proved to be trouble through the night and all morning the next day as well. Thank God her mother was the first one to show up in the morning. I would probably be willing to bet my life savings (which isn't much) that this girl is an only child. She had the spoiled brat personality - and she knew it. She flaunted it. That annoyed me.

I can't come away from this experience with only negative things to say. I did have the pleasure to hang out with the cutest 8 year old you could ever possibly meet. She was an angel throughout the weekend. She's certainly welcome back over anytime.

Sleepovers are wonderful - just make sure it's at somebody else's house with somebody else's parents watching them. I know I won't be doing it again anytime soon.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Reality Shows aren't Reality

So... it has been 10 days since my last blog. I'm slacking off....

I was watching TV the other day. A reality show. A show about boys who can't let go of their mothers. A show about a blonde boy who cares about blonde girls. Specifically, a girl who's a Barbie wanna-be. A show about a blonde boy who cares much more about how the girls look rather than how smart they are (whose mommy is upset about that). A show about a jewish boy who wants to break apart from his tradition and date a non-jewish girl (with much chagrin from his mommy). And about a boy who just cannot get out from under his mommy's shadow. You get the idea.... I'm watching Momma's Boys.

I have to admit it. I'm addicted to the show. It's only been running for 3 or 4 weeks and the finale is on Monday. I'm looking forward to it. It's about 3 boys who are obviously momma's boys. They set out on a journey to find a girl that they could possibly marry - and bring their moms along for the ride. Their mothers have a say in who they shouldn't and should date. Sometimes the boys listen, and sometimes they don't (when they aren't listening to their mothers, you know what they're listening to...).

What makes the show really interesting (and I mean really interesting) is a mother from hell. She'd make the worst mother-in-law ever. It's no wonder JoJo is still single. The umbilical cord wasn't cut at birth and still hasn't been cut. Seriously, the boy is in his mid-20's. It's time to let go.

While I'm fascinated by the show and wait anxiously each week for the next episode, I see a huge flaw. Not only in M0mma's Boys, but in every other reality dating show like The Bachelor, The Bachelorette and whatever else. See... while it may be "reality", it isn't real. On each date, you see romantic candles, the sun setting, making out on the beach, making out in the hot tub, making out in the ocean, and drinking wine (while making out).

Sure, the show's romantic. When you're thrust into a romantic environment (like Cabos) with a beautiful girl (and a sexy man), you just cannot resist the temptation to make out and make goo-goo eyes at each other. I have a feeling the blonde boy has gone a lot further than the show has let on (with multiple girls). He's a player, I'd bet on it.

Even if the boys find love (and if their mothers approve), it won't last. Why? Because it isn't real. Once they're back in real life... working, going to school or doing whatever it is that they do in life, they'll find out that when the romantic environment disappears, the lovey-dovey feeling will probably disappear as well. Then what? What's more - the boys and girls are all from different cities and states. Long distance relationship? Won't work. Count on it.

The best relationships start out boring and plain. Well, not boring - but normal. Become friends, go out once or twice to a restaurant, a coffee shop or even a movie to start with. If you really like each other, go out some more. If you're both daredevils or like to have fun, go have fun. It's your life, do whatever you want. Just keep it real. Get to know each other (slowly, might I add) and learn all your flaws. Get into arguments every now and then (and enjoy the making-up process). That's how you build a real relationship. Being whisked away to the tropics where you're dressed in bathing suits all day long, making out in the ocean and the sand gets you nowhere. It's all physical and nowhere near meaningful.

So here's a tip to the producers (like they'll listen), next time you want to make a "reality" dating show, make it real. Please.

Monday, January 5, 2009

What I did in 2008

I left 2008 behind with lots of memories, both good and bad. People have already asked me how I would rank 2008 compared to other years. With at least 50 years ahead of me (I hope), it's impossible to determine 2008's status just yet. With tons of articles on resolutions and photos of 2008's main events gracing the Internet, I figured I'd take the time and record my most memorable events during 2008. As you can see from my list, I've had a lot of ups and downs, but overall, I think it was a good year.

I watched movies - lots and lots of movies!

Welcomed a new niece into the family.

Went skydiving for my 26th birthday.

Went on a 2-week road trip.

Celebrated my son's 2nd birthday.

Wrecked my car.

Attended college.

Got a job.

Got laid off.

Helped plan, design and open the Deaf Center at church.

Got divorced.

Had a "real" ride on a motorcycle that lasted more than 2 minutes.

My daughter turned 7 (although I wasn't with her - we'll celebrate it here soon!).

Out of everything I've done, I figured movies have taken much more of my time than anything else.

Just for fun, I wanted to check out my Netflix movie-watching history. I counted 169 DVD rentals. The majority of them were movies, but 32 of the DVD rentals were TV shows. I decided to do some math. At 137 movies at an average of 2 hours each, I have watched 274 hours. For TV shows on an average of 3.5 hours each, I have watched 112 hours. This brings my total hours watched to 386 hours - and when you break it down, that means a total of 16 DAYS (yes, 24 hour days) of nothing but sitting on my couch and watching pretty colors move on my TV screen. Amazing, isn't it?

If I had to pick top/memorable DVDs from my list, here's what I would pick:

The Ultimate Gift, Stardust, Freaks, The Lost Room, Doogie Howser M.D., The Autopsy Files, Into The Wild, 27 Dresses, No Country for Old Men, Jackass series, Juno, Saw, Saw II, Saw III, Saw IV, Door to Door, The Other Boleyn Girl, Dukes of Hazzard, Made of Honor, Heroes Seasons 1 & 2, The Love Guru, House of D, and finally, Dexter.

Actually, I figure I would have to add another 3 or 4 days to my total watch time. Thanks to Redbox and their free codes on Mondays & Wednesdays, I have rented plenty more. I would list my favorites but I wouldn't remember them all.

As I sit here and contemplate the fact that I have watched 2 weeks and 2 days worth of movies and TV shows (again, this doesn't count Redbox, movies I've seen on TV or all the TV shows on TV now), I wonder - is this a waste of my time? Granted, I could be doing lots more other stuff in 16 days. Probably get a lot more accomplished. If I took my hours of watching movies and turned them into working out, I'd be all fit and sexy now. Oh well.

Although I have devoted a lot of time to movies, I'd have to say I don't regret it (yet). I love movies and I plan to watch many many more in 2009.