Monday, January 4, 2010

Starting a new day, week, month, year and decade

Starting a new day can be scary sometimes. Starting a new week (especially when you have to work) isn't always fun - mostly because it meant that the weekend was behind you. Try starting a brand new day, week, month, year and decade all at the same time.

Ok - maybe January 1st wasn't on a Sunday (or does your week start on Monday?), but it was close enough to the end of the week for me for it to count. I told myself I wouldn't write about this, but here I am typing away at the keyboard. Guess I have something to get off my chest....

I went to a party (of course), and naturally the topic of "What's your New Year's Resolution?" came up. One of the guys did the asking and my roommate responded with "What's yours?" He said "My resolution is to not make a resolution." Didn't he just do that? Ha ha, funny, right? I disregarded the conversation and then it came up again today at work. What's your new year's resolution? Mine? I have none (cue in a "why!?" from a co-worker). I'll tell you why.

In the many years I DID make a resolution, I've never stuck to it (when has anybody ever done that?)... so by now I have learned that there isn't really any point. Making a resolution because it's traditional or because everybody else is making one doesn't mean that you mean what you're saying and that you'll stick to it.

I wasn't armed with a resolution by the stroke of midnight, so is my year doomed? I think not.

My roommate said something once that always stuck with me (but shh, don't tell him that - he'll think I actually listen to him, haha, ok - maybe I do sometimes). He was complaining about someone we both know and about how this certain person was waiting until the new year to start working out. I think it was about October or November when this person decided he'd start beefing up. My roommate said "If you really mean to keep that commitment, why are you waiting until Jan 1st? Why not start NOW?" I think that's very true.

Who said you had to make a resolution for the 1st? Who said you had to wait until the 1st? If it's truly life-changing and you mean to keep your goals, do it for yourself and not because it's an American tradition.

Here are the top resolutions I can think of that many people have made and broken:
  1. Lose weight/work out more
  2. Spend more time with family/loved ones
  3. Take more vacations
  4. Enjoy life more
  5. Stop Drinking/Smoking
  6. Eat healthier
  7. Get a better job
  8. Insert your own failed resolution
See my point? From now on, resolve to NOT make a resolution because if you do, you're doomed to fail.
Just for laughs, I thought I'd look up the stupidest/funniest resolutions I could find online. Why? I don't know - I just felt like it.
  • I will not look at boys - 13 year old girl
  • I will quack like a duck first thing in the morning and last thing at night - Donald Duck Fan
  • I will do less laundry and use more deodorant - Lazy and Smart Fellow
  • With that cloned cow having given birth and everything, I resolve to pay more attention to where my food comes from this next year - Organic Eater
  • I will not puff my entire body to twice its size and screech in her ear after my human has finished watching a horror movie. - Pet Cat
  • I will not bite the children of lawyers, no matter how much they chase me or how hard they pull my tail.- Pet Dog
  • I will not hang around girls - they think you love them and that sucks - Tween boy
  • I will not let lose my bodily functions right when somebody is walking underneath - Crow on the top branch of the tree
  • I will never squat again with my spurs on - Cowboy

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