Wednesday, March 17, 2010

M's Thoughts

Ever wonder what goes on inside my head? Ok - I hear a joke coming on here - I can faintly hear L or J say "nothing!" Ahem. Like everybody else, I have random thoughts that'll pop in my head out of nowhere. Just recently, I've started to take notes. See… it's not all that scary inside...right? Some may be silly, but at least I’m brave enough to admit what I’m thinking.

How come I've never seen a bird drop dead from the wire?

Is time travel even remotely possible (with all silliness aside)?

If pandas could communicate, what would they say about being the mascot/spokesperson for Panda Express?

At your local grocery store, did you ever realize that you might be touching the same food that people touch after peeing and not washing their hands before/during shopping? Yeah - you might want to think twice about that.

We all know about mail-order brides. Where are the mail-order husbands?

What does deja vu really mean? Depending on your beliefs, it could be the exact same moment from a previous life, uncanny ESP, or just that you've had the exact same conversation (or activity) before. So what does it mean when I have deja vu feelings at a restaurant that was just built last week (and I get the feeling that I've been there before, had the same conversation and took a bite out of my food at the exact same moment)?

Speaking of deja vu, what if we DO repeat our lives again and again. Each time we experience deja vu just proves that we take the same paths over and over again - otherwise, we wouldn't be having that. Right? Maybe not. Whatever.

Do some birds have a fear of heights? I got this from a friend and have been wondering about it since.

It's amazing that how in this recession Americans are still getting bigger. Burger King has changed some locations to be open 24-hours (not just the drive-thru). If fast food places were only open like 5 hours a day (or how about none at all?), I'm willing to bet that our total weight as a country would drop dramatically.

I realized that because I hear the word "recession" all the time now, I actually forgot (briefly) what the economic term was for the opposite of recession. How sad.

Will we ever run out of water? Like, ever?

Every time I see a Ford Escort, I think "I really miss that car." I'm still furious. Just months after I paid off my car, a stupid idiot wrecked it. It was never a powerful car, but having "sports" on it made it very cool in my book. It was my first brand-new car. I bought it and paid it off all by myself with my own money. I was so proud and I felt like such a grown-up.

What would be worse - dying on the first day of war or dying on the last day of war?

Is it really better to have loved and lost than never loved at all? Sometimes I don’t think so.

Seriously, has anybody ever seen a large dog like a Saint Bernard have sex with a teeny dog like a Chihuahua? What would their puppies look like?

What if there really are friendly vampires living among us? Would you want to be one of them?

Why must all good things come to an end?

People can die from all kinds of things... has anybody died purely just from stress (no heart attacks, no strokes, nothing - just falling asleep and never waking up due to stress)?

When will the world get sick of worshiping celebrities?

When will I die and how?

I can relate to the people on Lost. They're stuck on an island and some of them don't want to leave because it's all they know. Sometimes I feel that way about some situations in my life.

Will Wal-Mart ever go bankrupt?

With so many people out of work and watching their spending habits, how is it that there are new restaurants and retail stores still being built all over the place? Thought they were all suffering?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a deaf version of the Bachelorette?

Living in a deaf town would be hell, wouldn't it? No privacy (you can't just meet someone in public and sign whatever you want - people will know what you're saying), constant drama and eventually, you'll lose your sanity.

And my final thought for the day - this is the best blog ever. Right? Right!

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