Friday, April 9, 2010

Biggest Loser, Season 9 - Episode 11

Suddenly, the show isn't so dark anymore.  There are bright colors everywhere - singles are back!  This part is fun because now everybody is on their own.  No one can hide behind the weight of the entire team.  No more coasting.  It's every man for himself now.  Everyone will be held responsible for their own actions... or non-actions.

Here's another fun part.  All the old contestants from this season came back.  They have another chance to get back into the game.  Of course, the people who are currently still in it weren't happy to hear that.  They've fought this long to stay afloat and now they have to worry about one more competitor.  The person that gets to come back to the show will get voted in.  It's purely a popularity vote.  They can vote for anyone to come back except for your former teammate.

Remember Migdalia?  No one can forget her and her mother, Miggy.  Yep - even Miggy's back, but Migdalia didn't come back.  Her husband went to Iraq and there would be no one at home to watch her kids.  Remember the Blue team (not the Black vs. Blue but the original two)?  The mother begged and pleaded to let her daughter back into the show.  They've been there twice and got sent home immediately both times.  They failed to complete the very first challenge and when they were given a chance to come back, they had to compete against yellow for the most weight lost.  Obviously, yellow won.

On to the voting.  It would have been hilarious if it was a 12 way tie.  Like that'll happen.  Right off the bat, everyone started to vote for John.  He obviously made a big impact during the short time he was on campus.  Just when it seemed like John might win, the votes started to come in for Victoria.  It got to the point where it was a tie and Michael had the last deciding vote.  I smell something stinky.  The producers had to have a hand in this.  I wonder if they had to turn in their votes prior to the taping so that the producers could know who was voting which way.  That way they could line up the contestants in whatever order they wanted to make it oh, so dramatic.  That would make more sense because whoever was the last voter could change his mind right on the spot if he wanted to.  That wouldn't have been nice.  It would have been a more truthful vote if everyone voted beforehand without knowing the final results.

In the end, Michael voted for Victoria and she won.  O'Neal and Sunshine could sympathize with Victoria and her mother. They also lost the very first challenge and knew/understand what it was like to be sent home immediately. It would make sense that they voted for Victoria to stay.  Wonder if she just ends up winning the whole thing.  Wouldn't that suck for the others?

It's not over yet for the banished contestants.  They were given another chance to get back on campus.  They had to compete in a stepping challenge.  First person to 1,000 steps wins.  Miggy and Melissa have a long history of feuding, so of course, right off the bat they both fly way ahead of everybody and they were neck and neck throughout the whole challenge.  Melissa pulled ahead of Miggy and was able to keep that lead.  She ends up winning.  I can imagine just how thrilled everybody was.

The top three players in the stepping challenge were Melissa, Miggy and Lance.  Koli made a great point.  Lance just left, Miggy's a huge troublemaker and Melissa quit (and she's just plain annoying).  Why would anybody be happy about having any of them back?

Melissa and Victoria were given immunity.  I was glad for Victoria but felt that Melissa didn't really deserve it.  The trainers came in and found out that everybody was back to singles.  They were thrilled!  Maybe now that everyone is accountable for their own actions, they will step it up.  However, this is about the time when alliances will go kaput.  Happens every season without fail.

Bob was so adorable.  His face was so awww when he saw Victoria walk in.  He even cried (or got close to it).  Mr. Trainer is in touch with his feelings!

Speaking of alliances going kaput... In one of the one-on-one interviews with Sunshine, she boldly stated "I'm going to be in the final 4.  These are just people for me to play with."  So cute!  Also, Koli turned against Stephanie.  He went to Ashley and told her that he thought that Stephanie was throwing the game.  She's messing up the weigh-ins on purpose for whatever twisted reason.  He got Ashley to believe him.  How sad.  I refuse to believe for even a nanosecond that Stephanie could be the kind of person who was playing the game all along and hiding behind her innocent-looking face.  I felt so bad for her.  BUT - it's always the quiet ones that'll get you... isn't it?  Once Stephanie found out, she confronted Ashley and Drea.  She managed to work things out but I wonder how long that'll last before Koli steps in and messes with their heads again.

At the weigh-in, O'Neal finally walked up the steps one foot at a time.  Wow.  It was so emotional that Bob cried.  It's amazing just how many things we take for granted.  We don't even realize how hard something as simple as going up the stairs might be for someone else.  Be thankful you have two feet and be thankful that you can walk up the stairs.

Well - the weigh-in come down to having Sam and Stephanie below the yellow line.  Koli made a big speech about how Stephanie is playing games, that she's pretty shady, and how he can't keep someone around like that.  OH come on!!!  We know you'd never vote for Sam.  Why not just come out and say "I'm never voting for Sam for obvious reasons" and just leave it at that!?  I'd like you a hell of a lot better if you had just said that.

Stephanie got sent home and it was apparent that Ashley felt bad.  Yeah - I hope you feel guilty, Ashley.  You betrayed a friend and ran right over her when it was convenient.  Way to go.

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