Saturday, May 15, 2010

Biggest Loser, Season 9 - Episode 15

There are perks to being on the Biggest Loser show.  One of them is traveling across America.  This week, the crew headed down to Texas.  The focus of this episode was that there is an epidemic spreading around America, an epidemic of obesity, and Texas was hit the hardest.  Texas is the fattest state in the US.  Five of the ten fattest cities are in Texas.  How pitiful is that?  Being from Texas, I was appalled to hear that.  Living in Houston, which is ranked the second fattest city in the US, I see evidence of obesity everyday.  I guess that after seeing something for so many years, I've become oblivious to the fact just how many obese people there are in my city.  In about 35 years, it is estimated that 75% of Texans will be obese.  I can tell you one thing - I'm going to try my damnest not to become a part of that statistic.

First thing on the agenda for the contestants was to do a 5k run around the Cotton Bowl in Dallas.  If you've been to the Cotton Bowl, you'd know that it's huge.  It was nice seeing something familiar on TV.  Before the 5k run, Jillian decided to show the girls that it's possible to travel and still find sensible snacks and products at a local drugstore.  The three girls trekked to a local Walgreen's so Jillian could show them that they could purchase common necessities there.  Seriously - I think it's safe to bet that Ashley and Sunshine have been in a Walgreen's before (or a CVS) and I think it's even safer to say that they know what's at Walgreen's.  My only thought is that the producers wanted to get extra advertising in (and maybe the girls needed some tampons), so what better way to follow them around and show America how cool it is to shop at Walgreen's when you're out of town?

The contestants appeared on local radio shows in Dallas to promote the 5k run.  The first 30-something callers would be able to join them.  The goal of the 5k run was to promote awareness (and to definitely cram in extra publicity for the show).  During the 5k run, the contestants took the time to talk to their fellow peers about how hard it is and how important it is to never give up.  Daris decided to go for a personal best for the 5k run and then went back for his team.  How about staying with your team all the way and going for your personal best on your own time?

It was bad that Daris left his team (at least he went back), but it was even worse when Koli forgot about a woman on his team.  After he finished his run, he suddenly realized that he left a woman behind and went back to get her.  When he arrived, she was grateful and during her camera interview, she gushed about how nice Koli was and about the fact that he came back to get her as promised.  Sorry honey - but he forgot you.  I wonder how that woman felt when she watched that episode and realized the truth.  I bet she isn't gushing about him now.

Bob showed up a a local fitness center to train some people.  He decided to have an open Q&A session and said "ask me anything you want."  I'd bet you money that a person probably asked some personal questions (such as "are you gay?") and the producers didn't include them.  How about having actual reality in a reality show, producers?

Finally - the challenge has arrived.  You can't go to Texas without going to a Rodeo.  If you were born and/or raised in Texas, you have to know that the Rodeo is our trademark.  My former boss is (or was) on the committee for the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo.  She held one of the top positions and mentioned that Houston's rodeo is the largest in the nation.  Too bad she didn't include free tickets with that little tidbit of information.

Along with the rodeo, Texas is famous for the Aggies and the Longhorns.  This made the next challenge very fitting.  The challenge was to herd baby longhorns into your pen.  The person who got the most longhorns in their pen would receive immunity.  After weeks in hiding, immunity is back!  The challenge was funny to watch.  Watching the contestants chase the longhorns made me think of myself, Jon and the kids chasing my dog, Midnight (when she gets out, she is very difficult to catch and bring back into the house).  They are quick!!!

Sunshine sacrificed herself and decided to help her Dad.  While Sunshine and O'Neal's relationship is touching, it has been one big love fest after another.  Could it be that they're a little bit too close?  I guess that's all relative.  O'Neal kept trying to bust his butt throughout the challenge to catch a calf or two.  O'Neal was diving left and right.  Gee - take it easy - a busted knee ain't worth it!  Koli ends up winning and gets immunity.

Last chance workouts are known for its brutality - especially if Jillian is doing the training - but this one was especially brutal.  The trainers had everybody do a handstand up against the wall AND do push-ups.  Very interesting.  I think I might want to try that someday.  Ha!  Maybe I'm dreaming.

Following a brutal workout was a tragic weigh in.  Everyone did alright and it came down to Sunshine being below the yellow line and O'Neal was in danger of falling below with his daughter.  Michael was the last one to weigh in, so it would have come down to either O'Neal or Michael that would be below the line with Sunshine.  Michael needed 7 pounds to be safe and shocked us all when he lost 15.

It was easy to figure out which way the elimination would go.  O'Neal has constantly sacrificed himself for his daughter and this time was no different.  He asked everybody to respect his wishes, to let him go and to keep Sunshine there.  It was heartbreaking to see a father/daughter team be split-up, especially after the loss they recently had and all the injuries that O'Neal has suffered through.  It was tough to see O'Neal go - he has become an icon of this season's Biggest Loser.

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