Sunday, August 22, 2010

Busy Summer

It's been quite some time since I have written something.  Actually, it's been a long time.  I look into myself and ask for forgiveness, a forgiveness that will probably never be given.  I try to absolve my lack of writing with self-assuring excuses.  "I have a full time job now, which I love, that's keeping me pretty busy", "I no longer live alone (although the kids were gone almost the whole summer), therefore I have somebody to do things with", and the clincher, "I actually have a life."

My life today is a complete 180 from what my life was like a year ago.  OK - a little over a year ago since I just recently celebrated my one-year anniversary at my job.  My life one year ago looked like this:  No kids (they stay with their father every summer), no job, and no money.  I also lived alone in a 3rd-floor apartment.  I didn't go out much.  I escaped into computer games a lot, and I mean a lot.  I also found peace in writing because then I could complain to something/someone and ultimately, it gave me something to do.  After almost 7 years of being married and being a housewife, I had enough of staying home.  I wanted out.  I think at that point it was quite possible that I could have been tested insane.  Maybe.

In August, I received a huge blessing.  I was offered a job.  For those of you who know me most likely already know this story - so I'll make it short.  A temporary job on minimum wage turned into a full-time job that came with a huge raise.  This full-time job has been keeping me insanely busy - especially this past summer.  I can't complain (although, I do at times).  The pay is enough, I love being busy, I feel worthy and needed, and above all, I have a job.

All good things come with a catch.  Sadly, this means I have less time to do what I'd really like to do.  And when I finally get the time to do what I want, I'm dumbfounded at the time I have on my hands, having forgotten (and then remembering) what it was like to HAVE time, and I end up doing nothing at all, because I want to cherish being able to do nothing.

So - in short, I've been slacking off and I hope to make it a habit to write regularly again.  We'll see.

Next on my agenda: my trip to Colorado!

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