Sunday, October 17, 2010

How a 4 Year Old Thinks

I love my 4-year-old.  Even when he's being difficult.  I love him even more when he says insightful (and just plain cute) things.  He's funny when he tries to be grown up (although it wasn't funny at the time).

I was trying to sleep in yesterday.  I made my room dark so I could sleep in.  Yeah right, I should have known better.  When there's kids, you're not going to sleep in.  Period.  So while I was unsuccessfully trying to sleep in, my son jumps into bed with me.  He wakes me up and says "I'm hungry."  I tell him "Go ask Becki to get you some cereal" (ha yeah, I know - I should be doing it).  He gives me a stern look and says "But Mommy - it's morning.... see?" and points to the very little light that's coming in through the window.  "There's light so it's morning... and morning means you HAVE to wake up!"  I couldn't argue with that so I got up.
I've been using the counting system with Logan and it works 95% of the time.  One day he wanted some ice cream.  I told him no because he wouldn't eat dinner.  Guess what he said?  "I'm going to count to 5, you have to give me ice cream."  He got a spanking and hasn't tried to count with me again.

Retelling this story as interpreted by someone at church:

We were at drama rehearsal and the director was talking about a scene that will take place in a church (and pointed to the stage where the church will be built).  Logan turned to a hearing person at church and said "How can that be church?  This (pointing to our floor) is our church.  How can he take this whole church and put it in there?"  I got a good laugh.

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