Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How debit cards work (or don't work)

My debit card is weird.

I accidentally washed it after I left it in my jeans once.  It went into the washer/dryer in perfect condition and came out looking pretty worn.  Oh well, no biggie.  I'll just get a new one, right?

Well, this happened in September.  I tried using my card at Wal*Mart and found out my debit card still worked.  So hey, maybe I don't need to get a new one after all.

About 99% of the time, my card works.  Except at the bank.

I was in Dallas for the State Fair when I tried (for the first time) to use an ATM machine at one of the branches.  I must have made poor J stand there and wait for me for like 10 minutes before I gave up and walked away.  I kept standing there, swiping my card again and again... saying "one more, let me try one more time."  You know how that goes, right?  Guess what, the card finally worked on my very last attempt (my "for real" last attempt).  Whew!

Since then, I never had any problems with my card.  Until I needed to use my bank's ATM again to deposit some checks.  Then it wouldn't work at all.

So after about nearly 3 months of using my washed out card, I finally hauled butt into a branch to get a new one.  Yeah, I know - getting a replacement card online is as easy as 1-2-3, right?  Guess I'm just lazy.

Just thought I would tell the world that my card works funny...

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