Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Deal with Valentine's Day

It's Valentine's Day, obviously. In (dis)honor of the holiday, I thought I'd write a little something about it and what my opinion of it is... some of you may agree (I'm betting that it's the men who will agree with me more than the ladies), and some of you may not agree. For the last 15 years, I can count more Valentine's Day when I had a special someone than the ones when I was single.   In fact, for the 15 years, I can count the number of years I was single on just one hand.  I won't even need the whole hand.  Even when I had a special someone, I've always requested that he not make a big deal out of it. For the romantic types (and I've had one or two), they were rather disappointed. However, for most of the others - they were relieved. I'm a low maintenance girl for a low maintenance boy. My distaste for Valentine's Day isn't due to my being single this year. The fact that I've almost always had someone on Valentine's Day is proof.

Tonight, thousands of couples will go out on a fancy-shmancy date (for the benefit of the women) and spend all night professing their love for one another. They may buy and trade expensive gifts. Depending on the couple and what income bracket they're in, they may try to buy the most expensive gift they can afford to show just how much they love each other. For others, a sentimental gift will say it all. And for the millions of single people out there tonight, they may be trolling the bars to find that special someone (or probably a one-night stand so they don't feel insignificant) or they may be sitting at home right this minute being grumpy and hating the world.

I have never understood the holiday. I guess with all the national holidays we have, it probably wouldn't make sense to not devote a day to couples being in love with each other. Whoever thought of it anyway? Why do I hate the holiday? To me, it just sends a signal that you must treat your significant other extra special that day. Depending on what kind of couple you are, you might feel stressed out about finding the perfect Valentine's Day gift. You may be stressing out about where to take your special girl to dinner. For ladies, you may be stressing out over what dress to wear and whether you should shave their legs in case something happens later on in the evening.

Sure, it's nice to get that extra special attention from your sweetheart for a day. But what about all the other days of the year? Why must this day be extra special? To me, if you're a couple and you really like each other (or deeply in love with each other), why not express how you feel for the other person everyday? If you're really comfortable with each other as a couple, shouldn't staying home and spending a quiet evening together be good enough? The point of the holiday is to be with each other - not to outdo yourselves, be stressed out over stuff and shop yourselves broke.

Valentine's Day is just a creative holiday to make single people feel bad about themselves. Those who are happily single - good for you. But for those who are still searching for that special someone, those who longs to be touched, held and kissed, Valentine's Day is just torture. On the other hand, I suppose all the card, candy and flower companies are rejoicing in the holiday. I wouldn't be surprised if Hallmark invented the holiday. They're sentimental and weird like that.

My biggest complaint about Valentine's Day is that guys may feel pressured to buy jewelry, flowers or candy. If you're pressured to buy a gift or take someone out - it doesn't come from the heart. You don't do it because you want to, you do it because you feel you must. Why would anyone in their right mind want that? To receive gifts that probably doesn't really have any meaning from the other person?

First off - candy... why? Why buy a $20 box of candy in a heart-shaped box that will end up in the trash when you can buy a $2 bag of M&M or your favorite candy? Honestly, it really does not make a difference.  Think of all the calories!

Flowers... why? Why spend $50 or $60 on a dozen roses (which is beautiful, yes) that will only last a maximum of a week then to be tossed in the trash? Men - save yourselves time... just throw away a $50 bill and get it over with. If you want to give your special lady roses, buy her a rose plant and plant it in a garden. Let it grow year after year and admire it from your window.  If it was me and if you must give me flowers, I'd prefer freeze-dried ones.  Blue.  OK?

Jewelry... uhm, why? Ok, I sort of get it. For ladies who wear jewelry all the time - alright. They last forever and they're certainly pretty (if you buy the right kinds that suits your lady). But don't go all out and buy hundreds of dollars worth. Right around Valentine's Day, I see all the local jewelry stores advertising a necklace and earring pair for $299 or so. I honestly think that if men buy their ladies jewelry, it's because they feel pressured to. After all, if they don't get their lady something special, they're losers, right? Whatever.

My point is... if you're a couple and happy, don't wait until Valentine's Day. Do it when the time's right and when you WANT to. Don't do it because you HAVE to.

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