Monday, March 23, 2009

What to do this year!?

My birthday's coming up again... which means I'm getting older... and that another year has flown by. Already!? Before we know it, 5 years will have passed and we'll all be much older. Not fun!

This year, I told myself that I didn't want to do anything special. I've had a fun-filled birthday for the last two years; I thought that maybe I should stay quiet this year and just enjoy it with a small group of friends.

However, time has gone by and my birthday is getting closer and closer. Friends have asked me what I was planning and they have been giving me input on what they'd like to do on MY birthday. So, I thought and thought.

After careful consideration for friends that may not like adrenaline as much as I do, here's what I've come up with....

*Bungee Jumping
*Skydiving (yes, again)
*Trip to San Antonio or some nearby city
*Hang Gliding
*Ride in a Hot Air Balloon
*Dinner on the grill and games with friends
*Dinner at a restaurant I've never eaten at before
*Slumber party (yes, boys allowed)!
*Trip to College Station (Rosa's and maybe a park or something)

What do you guys think!? I've made a poll... so VOTE!

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