Monday, March 9, 2009

Changing Time

It's wrong to wake up before the sun's up. Totally wrong. I'd even stoop as low to say that it's inhumane.

When I started my internship in January, I was getting up with the sun. As I drove to work, the sun would continue to rise and light up the sky. If I had to decide which was more beautiful - sunrises or sunsets - I've have to say sunrises. Too bad I'm never awake for it (when I'm not working).

As the weeks passed, the sun began to wake up earlier. During the recent weeks, by the time I stepped out of my apartment, the sun would already be up and greet me with its warm rays. In the January and February cold, it was a nice welcome. The sky would be totally lit by the time I got to work 30 minutes later.

This past weekend, we changed our clocks forward an hour. Setting the clocks forward meant that we'd be getting up an hour earlier than usual - which meant I would be on my way to work before the sun came out. This is a huge bummer. However, that means we have more light during the day. I love it when it doesn't get dark until 8 or 9pm. More play time!

I am definitely not a morning person. And I'll tell you why. To many people, morning may mean a fresh start; a brand new day. To me, it just means having to go through another day of stress, another day of a routine and another day of dealing with people that I would rather not deal with. Drinking before noon is associated with alcoholics - so I drink coffee and I drink lots of it.

Nighttime means that the day you've just had is winding down. If you've had an excellent day, nighttime may mean bad news. However, I put a positive spin on it. If I've had an excellent day, at night is when I sit back to relive the day, going over what I've just done. Nighttime, to me, also means I get to drink to calm my nerves. Nothing like drinking a glass to finish off a day, good or bad.

The best part of nighttime is changing into my comfy PJs, sitting back on the couch and watching a great movie. What's even better is if I take a bath afterwards. Changing into comfy PJs, watching a movie then taking a bath just doesn't work at 7 in the morning or even at 3 in the afternoon.

Waking up and driving to work in the dark is quite a feat for me. Especially now that we have lost an hour of our day, I have to try extra hard not to creep back into bed and snuggle under the covers. When I arrived to work this morning, the sky outside my classroom window was dark. Instead of morning, it felt like a huge storm was brooding. I honestly expected the wind to start blowing furiously and the rain to start pouring down.

I am comfortable with the dark, but there is a huge difference between a dark morning and a dark night. Some people are morning persons and others are night persons. I am a night person (although I've been falling asleep way earlier than usual due to being busy all the time) and I'll always be a night person. I like to stay up really late and sleep in all morning.

People who like to get up before the sun has got to be crazy. Why? Nothing's open (except for Wal-Mart) and well, it's just crazy. There's also something wrong about having to sleep and wake up on a schedule. People should be able to sleep when they want and wake up when they want... too bad work gets in the way.

It's only Day Two after setting the clocks ahead. I hate the dark mornings but I'm looking forward to the long days.

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