Monday, February 21, 2011

Chatting with a 4-year-old

My daughter stayed over at a friend's house on Saturday night and J was out of town, so it was just me and my little guy.  We had a tough day together.  He was upset and stayed upset for hours on end, and I was beyond exhausted dealing with an upset 4-year-old.

Eventually, I managed to cheer him up by taking him to a little pond that had ducks.  Of course, as soon as we left, he got upset again.  I took him to McDonald's (I know - why reward bad behavior?  But by then, I would have done anything just to get him to stop crying) and brought his Happy Meal home.

-On a side note: I didn't get anything from McDonald's.  Yay me!  I love their fries but it didn't take a lot of willpower to say no.  As soon as I walked in, my nose was assaulted with this awful smell.  Now I wonder why I even ate at McDonald's in the first place!

So - after a couple hours of talking, reading books and playing Wii, my son announced that he was hungry again.  So here's how our conversation went verbatim (as I remember it - and I definitely wouldn't want to forget this conversation!)

Logan: Mommy, I'm hungry
Me: Okay, what do you want?
Logan: *giggle*
Me: Logan, what do you want?
Logan: Ice cream *giggle*
Me: You want ice cream!?
Logan: Yep, ice cream for dinner!
Me: You already had dinner, remember?  You ate at McDonald's
Logan: *giggle* that wasn't dinner, that was lunch!  Now I want dinner
(This was at around 8pm)
Me: You had lunch at 6:30?  When the sun was going down?
Logan: Yes *giggle*  Can I have ice cream?
Me: How about an orange?  And get me one too (I was hoping he'd take the bait)
Logan: (stops to think for a minute, shrugs his shoulders and walks away)
Me: *whew!*

Okay - maybe this wasn't an extra special conversation but it was just too darn cute!

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