Sunday, April 10, 2011

Much Ado about Nothing

Time for very random post with multiple very random thoughts.

I've all but given up trying to write recaps of the Biggest Loser and enlightening my audience with my insights and corny jokes.  I adore the show, but I just haven't had the time motivation to write about it.  Maybe because I get my trash-talking fix during the show (poor Jon) and whenever I hang out with my other best friend (you know who you are).  I had fun at the beginning when I wrote my first recaps a couple seasons ago, but then it felt like a chore.  It was turning into a job I had to do because I had readers who kept asking me "when are you going to put up the next recap?"  I was starting to dread logging into Blogger and opening up a new post to write.  When I had to something specific write; when I knew people was expecting something, the pressure exponentially increased.  I had to be entertaining.  So I figured I'd stop while I was ahead (you can enjoy my one and only post for Season 11 here) and just focus on writing whenever I wanted to write.  Then maybe, just maybe I'd write more often.  Um, yeah.  Problem solved (not).

I'm about to turn 29.  My last year in the 20's.  I hear the 30's is pretty scary and that's when you'll start to feel really old.  Or maybe my friends are overreacting.  Either way, I'm going to try to make this my best year yet.

It's really frustrating when I have a ton of things I want to say and write about, but when I finally get my butt over to Blogger, these thoughts disappear.  I need a muse.

I quit Netflix recently and made the transition to Blockbuster.  There are a couple things I really like about it, one being that they get the newest movies right away as opposed to having to wait 28 days for Netflix and Redbox to stock them.  There are things I dislike as well.  I'm still trying to decide if there's more pros than cons.

I went to a carnival last night just to check it out.  I'm a sucker for carnivals, especially at night.  The carnival was selling a pass that allowed unlimited rides for $20.  Usually this isn't a bad deal, but this carnival was particularly small.  No thanks.  Sure wish I could find a good traveling carnival around here that I could go to.  That would be fun.

Oh - and speaking of last night, I got spoiled.  We went to Carl's Jr for dinner and I didn't have to pay.  Wow, right?  It was probably one of the best 'dates' I've had in a long time.  At least it can only get better from there, right?  I'll expect something better next time, dude!  My birthday's coming up.... *Hint hint.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up! I will check you blog often and give your my encouragement and support!