Friday, April 24, 2009

An Unexpected Dinner

Last night, I encountered an unexpected surprise. Well, aren't all surprises unexpected? Surprises are fun - especially when I don't know it's coming. I'm not one to wait patiently during Christmas season or when it comes to a planned surprise. Whenever someone tells me, "I have a surprise for you," I will want to know right away. I have absolutely NO patience when it comes to waiting for surprises. That's why it's best whenever you have a surprise for me, don't tell me. And that's exactly what my friends did.

My birthday was on the 22nd. I did not plan on doing anything during the week, but I did want a small get-together with a few friends on Saturday just to hang out. J said he was going to take me out to one of my favorite restaurants for my birthday on Friday. Although I wasn't expecting anything, I started to look forward to it. On Wednesday, he asked me "why don't we go tonight instead?" Later, he ended up saying "let's just go tomorrow." I thought, "ok... whatever."

Wednesday night before going home, J asked if we were still going to Escalante's. I said, sure... and didn't think anything about it at all. Thursday, he came over and asked "you still want to go to Escalante's?" Again, I said "sure" and well, I thought it was a little weird... I'm not the type to change my mind often and I consider myself very laid back and easygoing so I was wondering why he kept asking. But - I didn't begin to suspect anything.

On the way to the restaurant, J was on his sidekick often. That was unusual. When he's around me, he doesn't touch his sidekick for hours. Sending messages back and forth was pretty unusual for him. Assuming it was work (maybe some issues) or about his dad, I casually asked if everything was alright. He threw me off when he said "oh, I just have headache." But again, that didn't tip me off. I just thought he didn't want to tell me what was going on. I was really curious but didn't want to press him.

Things started to get really weird when we got to the restaurant. We go in and ask for a table for two. Jon says he has to go to the bathroom. That isn't unusual, he's a lean mean peeing machine. Always peeing! But what really bugged me is that he went the wrong way. I thought he was just an idiot and didn't know where the bathroom was. I ALMOST chased after him to tell him he was going the wrong way. After a while, he came back and said... "I have a really cool picture I wanna show you in the bathroom! Come look!" I thought to myself, boy - he's a moron. A cool picture in the bathroom? AND the bathroom is the other way.

I didn't want to argue and just followed him. I didn't see anything until he stepped away and pointed to the table. I saw 4 friends sitting at a round table with two empty chairs. Two balloons were tied to a chair, two cards and a chocolate cake in the middle of the table. I was SHOCKED.

I enjoyed the evening. I ate really good food and chatted with friends. It had been a long time since we were all together in one place so it was really nice to have that. You know what? Another really cool thing is - I got an awesome PINK card! Thanks P!

I'll remember this birthday for a long time. Thanks for making it memorable!

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