Sunday, August 23, 2009

Not enough time in the day

It's amazing how much 8 hours a day can change your life.

I have been so busy that I haven't had time to write, but that doesn't mean I forgot. Writing, or rather blogging, has always in the back of my mind. Sometimes I'd think of something that I would want to write about and that it would be a really good topic - I've had to push it out of my head and tell myself I'd have to get to it later. Lately, I've been coming up with ideas at the most inopportune times... right when I'm about to fall asleep (how I wish there was a dream recording device or an electronic filing software in your brain), when I'm at work, in a meeting, in church.. basically anywhere that would be inappropriate to whip out the phone and start taking notes. Once, I had the urge to write right before I fell asleep and actually got out of bed to take notes. I started writing and writing - and when I was done, I couldn't sleep. Couldn't sleep for an hour, and I had an early morning the next day. That wasn't fun. I write best when I get the urge to - but as I've learned (and probably all other writers), you don't always get to write at that moment. I guess it's handy to have a word processing software on the computer (at home and where I work) or my phone nearby to take notes with - but it's just not the same as actually sitting down and writing.

Anyway, what's new with me now? Not a whole lot but it certainly feels like my life has changed. First of all, I got a full-time job and I enjoy it (for now). I hate getting up in the morning - that hasn't changed and it never will - but I do look forward to going to work. Yes, you heard me right. It's not because I LOVE my job so much (although I do like it - the hours are good, income is enough, and the people are really nice), but it's because I'm DOING something. I want to feel worthwhile - I want to feel like I'm contributing to something rather than just taking up space and air. While this job isn't my dream job, it's enough to make me happy. I'd love to teach, but I can't say that teaching would be my dream job ... I think I haven't discovered that yet about myself. What do I do? I work for a school apparel company. It's a small company started up by a friend's mother. The company makes t-shirts, handbags, accessories and hairbows (especially hairbows) for girls involved in cheerleading, sports, dance, etc. I really like how my boss values my time and my help there. I have been so busy doing my job and helping several co-workers around the office. It's really nice to feel appreciated.

Enough about my job... let's talk about something fun and exciting. Because I have a job now that pays well and is stable/long-term, I've started looking for another place to live. I've been meaning to move out eventually but never had a good reason to. Why move out and run the risk of having to pay a higher price when income isn't really stable? I started to really think about moving out when I got word that PA might want me to teach there. Back in June, I was contacted about the opportunity to move and teach at a school for the deaf in Scranton, PA. Initially, my response was "no way!" I slowly warmed up to the idea. I discussed it with a close friend and finally came around to telling my parents. Of course, they had their concerns about me moving so far away, but I have family in the northeast so it wouldn't be that bad. After thinking for a while, my decision was made. If I was offered the job, I would move. A month and a half came and went and I heard nothing from PA. My dreams of moving right next door to NYC were dashed.

Over the last two weeks, I was contacted by three different school districts and I was offered a job. Two were long-term substitute positions that would be temporary. One of them MIGHT become permanent but I couldn't take a gamble on that - especially not that I've landed a full-time job. Finally, PA contacts me and tries their hardest to convince me to move up there. They were offering me a substitute to come take over for me until I decided I was ready to move up there and take over. Ultimately, after considering everything, I had to say no. Maybe next year. Hopefully.

With PA spurring my thoughts on moving to a new place (instead of apartments, I had planned to rent a house up there.. cost of living is cheap in that town), I decided that I wanted to move out of this apartment and into something better. When this job came up and I was offered a permanent position, I immediately jumped on the idea of renting a house instead of apartment.

Sooo... for the last week and a half, I've been looking and looking online for houses to rent. I visited four houses over the weekend and fell in love with one of them. The location's great, the price is really good (only $100 more than my apartment), there's a yard for my kids and dog to play in, a nice sized living room and kitchen, includes all the appliances... what's not to like? I had initially wanted a 4-bedroom house and this one was a 3-bedroom. While I have a yard, it's not quite large enough. Sooo, I'm on the hunt again this week for 4-bedroom houses and hopefully will be checking them out soon.

Well, I think I've managed to write an actual chapter on just two little topics - new full-time job and house-hunting. Maybe I have the traits to become a successful (but boring and drawn-out) writer, haha.

As I mentioned above, not much has really changed in my life, but it's enough to make me happy. With a small change such as a full-time job, I feel like it's the starting point to help me become happy in other areas. While money isn't everything, it's obviously very important. I'm being kept busy (maybe too busy, because I still have my obligations as a GED teacher on Tuesday nights, manager of the LBDCC at church, leading the women's retreat, acting as treasurer again for the women's ministry, and filling in for people who tend to flake out on stuff. Let's not forget being a maid, friend, mother, sister and daughter), and I'm rarely alone anymore. I'm always around people now, so I'm grateful for that.

Anyway, it's time to close up shop here and get to bed. My kids are starting their first day of school tomorrow. It'll be my son's very very first day of school and he's super excited! I'll be back tomorrow (or later this week) to write on his blog, armed with photos and maybe a story or two about my son's exciting adventure of starting school!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Unknown

"You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore."

I had this quote in one of my posts a while back. I found it fitting to post it again. Sometimes we all have to remind ourselves that in order to experience new things, we have to let go of what we are familiar with. It's scary to step into the unknown but sometimes that's what we have to do. It's even better if you have a friend or someone to do it with instead of being all on your own. I know I'd rather have someone with me - admittedly, I don't have the guts to do much on my own. That's probably my greatest downfall.

I got offered a job yesterday. Today was my first day. It's an alright job that pays me enough so I can pay my bills. It's a temporary part time job that may or may not last until October. They may keep me on until January. Or maybe not. It may last longer than January. Or maybe not.

I got another job offer today from Houston ISD. I am being offered a long-term sub position if I want it. It's only for 6 weeks.

What I'm mad about is that the jobs are temporary. What I need is a permanent stable job that gives me an income for the next school year. Is that too much to ask!?

A while ago, I was playing around with the idea of moving to another state for a job if I was offered the job. The more I thought about it, the more I knew that I wanted to move. I still want to move for many reasons. The weather being one of them. NYC being the other.

Now - I'm thinking that even though I was offered these two temporary jobs (and I can only have one, not both), it wouldn't last. So now I am thinking that maybe I still want to move anyway. A part of me thinks that it's a stupid and rash decision. The other side of me thinks that this is what I may need to do. Maybe I'll find a job there that isn't teaching-related.

One thing is for certain - I HATE JOB HUNTING!

Monday, August 3, 2009

What's On The News

When something big happens, you tend to hear about it on the news all the time. I never really thought about it much until now. At times, it was pretty annoying. Other times, the news coverage was actually informative and helped all of us keep up with new discoveries in whatever big case or situation.

I have a pretty bad memory. I'll get my dates mixed up. When I'm telling a story, I can't remember whether it was a Monday or a Wednesday. I'll get the facts straight but they'll be jumbled up. I'll be the first to admit "I don't really remember for sure" or that facts are "vague." But if I know I'm remembering things right, I'll say so and I'll know I'm right.

So - because of my bad memory, I thought I'd record what I've been seeing on the news lately. Mostly for myself - so I can read this 5 years from now and be able to remember accurately what went on. Also, I thought it'd be fun to have another chance to complain about a few things.

First off - more than a month after Michael Jackson's funeral, I'm seeing news EVERYWHERE about him. People are still writing/talking about the funeral and how LA paid millions (1.2 million, I think) for his funeral. The funeral was free to spectators who wanted to visit and pay their respects. Later on, LA decided they wanted to ask citizens for help in paying for the funeral by making donations. Oops - guess they realized that they can't afford it. Not only they're STILL talking about the funeral (did you know that they're saying that MJ wasn't actually IN the coffin during the service at Staples Center?), there's lots of attention on his estate and his children. Who's going to get the estate? There was a brief argument over who would take the children - and ultimately the courts decided that MJ's mother will have full custody of them. NOW people are expressing concerns over the children's upbringing because MJ's mother is allegedly a Jehovah's Witness and Michael wanted to raise the children Catholic. Apparently it says so in the will... or maybe not. I'm not sure where the "catholic upbringing" is coming from.

What business is it of ours (including the media) to express concern over the children's religion? All that matters now is that they grow up in a loving, stable home environment that will teach them values and help them become good adults. Whether they're JW, Catholic or Baptist shouldn't matter at this point. They just lost their father and they are being uprooted from their home and they're trying to grieve in the middle of all this attention. Leave them alone.

I've been getting chain emails with a link to a video that supposedly shows MJ's ghost at Neverland Ranch recently. I was curious so I checked it out. I was able to discern the "shadowy figure" that people were talking about. Yes, it looks like a figure walking across the doorway. BUT - that's all I'm willing to acknowledge it as - a shadow. The footage could have been doctored. What made me laugh was that some people said "I thought ghosts only come out a year after they die? So that can't be MJ" People were taking this seriously. I thought it was crazy and moved on.

Another thing that I'm seeing on the news constantly is the careful watch on this year's Hurricane Season. Typically, hurricanes should have already been coming (and missing us). However, this year - no hurricanes have formed at all. Some people are rejoicing. Could this be a sign that we will not have any major storms that could wreak havoc on one of our cities and kill our citizens? Maybe so. Our weather has been really strange lately. We've had almost NO rain (except for a few days of downpour). What could this mean?

News stations are saying that this is indeed good news - BUT to be careful and still be prepared. In 1983, Alicia was the season's first hurricane (and most destructive for many years) and Alicia didn't come until August 15th. While it's valid to be concerned about the lack of hurricanes and be happy about it at the same time - I don't think it merits the amount of attention it's garnered.

Other than the upcoming tax free weekend, there isn't much on the news (that I care about). I'm about to go and watch this newest reality show - Dating in the Dark - it's funny, new, and an interesting social experiment. I wonder what else TV will come up with.

Still Recovering

I went on a camping trip over the weekend. Today, I'm still trying to recover. Even though I didn't do much but sit, talk and hang out - sleeping on a hard ground (or NOT sleeping) can really do a number on you! I am so glad to be back at home and in my own bed. In fact, I slept 14 hours!!! Today, I woke up past 1pm and then went back to sleep at 3. Took a nice long 3 hour nap. I THINK I'm caught up now. Whew.

The water was really low in many parts so we decided it was safer to just stay at the campgrounds and chill. I was thankful for that. I wasn't in the mood to be sitting uncomfortably in a tube for hours on end getting sunburned on my front side. Overall, it was a good trip.

I said I'd post pictures so here's a few.
Made a pit stop at Buc-ees! The photo was rotated but won't show up correctly here. Oh well.

Doesn't it look calm and serene?
Me and the river
Just sitting and chilling - that's what we did during all our waking hours!
I think he's camera-shy
Perfect picture to show how exhausted we all were! I think he's the only one who took a nap!

Me and Robert being silly in the river. See how low it is? Just a few feet over, the water was down to our ankles. And yes, I'm drinking water. Ew!