Wednesday, July 9, 2008

MY Bucket List...

Here's another movie I watched recently - The Bucket List. I watched this a couple weeks ago with a male friend and even HE shed a tear or two at the end. This is an amazing movie. It's not a gushingly fantastic movie that's just awesome in every way possible... and maybe it's not a blockbuster like Iron Man or the upcoming Batman, and it definitely doesn't have any out-of-this-world stunts and special effects but this movie is amazing in a really quiet way. It really makes you think.

Summarily, it's about two old guys who basically get the death sentence. They have months to live so they decide to do everything they ever wanted to accomplish before they "kicked the bucket." I've thought about this for a couple weeks and am ready to post my own Bucket List. Of course, this list would probably need to be updated a million times because I'm not planning on croaking anytime soon. Knock on wood.

The items on this list aren't listed in the order of importance. It's just all random and everything that I can think of so far. You might find some of these things silly and laugh or think I won't be able to accomplish it but hey, at least I made an honest list.

1. See real reindeers
2. Visit Egypt and see a real mummy
3. Learn to snow ski
4. Visit Antarctica
5. Recognize all the constellations in the sky
6. See another planet with my own eyes
7. Make someone's life worth living
8. Laugh until I pee (I'd say laugh until I cry but I've already done that)
9. Find complete happiness
10. Live my life to the fullest
11. Skydive at least a couple more times
12. Watch a sunrise over a lake/mountain
13. See a shooting star (I ALWAYS miss it!)
14. Learn to water ski
15. See Ireland
16. Write a book
17. Contribute to the Deaf society somehow
18. Go on a cruise
19. See the world (which is redundant since I've already listed Egypt, Antarctica and Ireland)
20. See all the classic movies recognized as the best in Hollywood
21. Try everything, anything at least once (this should be my mantra)
22. Be adventurous and spontaneous
23. Go to law school
24. Put someone's needs before my own
25. Find my purpose in life
26. Own a husky
27. Swim with the dolphins
28. Bungee jump
29. Go scuba diving
30. Swim with the sharks (not in a cage and no, not with the huge dangerous ones)
31. Learn to surf

That's it so far... but like I said, I'd probably have to go back and revise it often as I come up with new things. Here's a challenge for you: Write your own bucket list and keep it around. Maybe it's just the little encouragement that you and I need to live our lives to the fullest.

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift." - Kung Fu Panda

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