Saturday, July 12, 2008

Dreaming in color and Living in black & white

I think that at some point (or several points) in everyone's lives, we all wish we could be someone else. The grass is greener on the other side, right? But I'm sure everyone finds that once they get to the other side, it's not all it's cracked out to be. There may be pros to living a different life but there are cons as well. But no one ever thinks about that, I think... myself included. Instead of thinking that it's always chocolates and roses for someone else, we should focus on what chocolates and roses we have in our own lives.

Oftentimes, I think about what my life would be like if I made different decisions. Would it be for the better or for the worse? There are a lot of positives in my life right now but there are also a lot of negatives. It all boils down to which one I think one outweighs the other.

It's a unique concept to consider - dreaming in color and living in black and white. When we dream about our lives, the future, and what we can accomplish, we feel empowered and we're ready to forge ahead full speed. But as soon as we stumble across an obstacle, like a rippling brook with no stepping stones, we stop still in our tracks, plop down on the side of the riverbank and whine about how it's impossible to get across.

Figuratively, when I daydream about my life's potential, I dream about clouds in shapes of ice cream castles and of rainbows with colors that don't exist. I dream about the impossible and for a split second, I feel that it IS possible.

It's really up to ourselves to stop thinking about what our lives would be like if we were someone else or if we took a different path. Our lives is what it is. We cannot change the past but we still have a chance at the future. I know - easier said than done, right?

One of the things in life that really bothers me is when someone wishes he was someone else, preferably a famous person. Sometimes, if I'm in the mood, I'd ask them why. Most often, I hear these reasons: money, fame, fun. Life's easier for them. They don't have to struggle with money, they seem to always have friends around them and there's always something to do. That may be very well true on the surface but inside their private lives, how happy are they? If you watch E! and other interview-type shows, you'll see that they expose just how unhappy the rich & famous were. Many of them struggled with loneliness, even when they were standing in the middle of a crowded room. Many of them suffered from drug and alcohol addictions along with many other unthinkable horrors.

Do you really want to be like them? I sure hope not. Accept your life for what it is and if you're not happy - do your damnest to change it.


Anonymous said...

But What IF (this)? OR what IF (that)?!! Hee heeeeeee, we are all human, WE ALL do that...well i admit I do! But that is an awesome point there, basically what you're saying is, Be Happy with who you are today!! I agree! Good blog :-) loved your points. But sometimes WHINING does make you feel better...huh? BUT we must ask ourselves...WHERE does it get you? Answer: probably no-where unless one is willing to really hear ones self out in such a time...then we may's silly to whine!!
-Madrid :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this! I hate to say this...but...I really needed to "hear" (read) this, and actually I have needed to read something like this for a while now. Things have been really hard for a while now and sometimes I just dont see "the light at the end of the tunnel" or a way out or an end to all the "bumps" or complications that life has for me. I get really frustrated and tend to get really hard on myself. I have been like this for so long that I dont even realize I do it anymore unless someone points it out. Sad huh? Hope you have a great day amd are staying dry!!!
-- Bonnie --