Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hoorah for Palin

I was a skeptic. First-term Alaskan governor... what could Palin know about running the country? Probably not much. To top it all off, she has a family to worry about, not to mention an infant son with Down's Syndrome. My first thought was, she shouldn't be worrying about the nation, she should be focusing on her family.

After watching her speech (bits and pieces of it anyway), I was impressed. My opinion of her changed. Regardless of what's going on with her family, I feel confident putting the future of America in her hands. Now if only McCain would just somehow disappear after becoming president....

At times like these, I give praise for free speech. None of the execution-style type of shooting for me for saying bad things about the superior being that's running (or might run) the country. He has to be what, 100 years old?

Enough about McCain. A week ago, the majority of us had never even heard of Palin. I didn't know who she was, what she stood for and what she planned to fight for until now. It was more of an introductory speech - introducing herself and her family to the nation. And it was a nice one.

She has a likable personality and she's got a bit of comedienne in her. I like her philosophy - she sold the previous governor's private jet because she felt it was too luxurious. What's so cool is she listed it on Ebay. She's an Ebayer! She fired the personal chef and she drives herself to work. That's my kind of woman. People who can't cook and drive for themselves are lame.

I do have some disagreements over what she stands for, of course. Like staying in the war, for instance. Enough is enough. But what am I gonna do about it? The way I figure it, any Republican would be better than a Democratic.

If McCain-Palin isn't elected president, I do have one encouraging remark for Palin. She's a much better public speaker than Bush and McCain combined.

To read her speech, visit

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