Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Things happen for a reason

I grew up hearing the same thing from different people inside the church. Things happen for a reason. Sometimes we know immediately what the reason is, and sometimes we wait months, years, or even decades. There have been times in my life where I would make a mistake or something would happen to me, both good and bad. We've all made mistakes and we've all had good and bad things happen to us. Later, I turned around and helped a few people that are going through the same experiences....

Really, when I say I "helped" a few people, it's more of giving advice on what NOT to do - based on my own personal experiences. Also, it's usually just listening and lending a sympathetic ear because boy, I've been there. I know exactly how it feels and I know EXACTLY how important it is to have someone willing to sit, listen to you, and comfort you while you're crying.

No, I'm not depressed. I'm doing okay actually. Life has been keeping me busy lately... really, school has been keeping me busy. I have the pickiest professor on earth who has expectations that are WAY too high. It's amazing I haven't failed any of her classes yet. I took on a volunteer job and am preparing for it. That certainly has been keeping my brain busy with lessons, quizzes, assignments and activities. I'm getting a teeny tiny glimpse into what it will actually be like to be a teacher. Yes, it's a lot of work and physically/mentally draining at times but I'm enjoying it so far.

Anyway - back to the point....the past couple weeks, I've been feeling a major deja vu. I've been talking with some friends here and there and they're all going through something. What's really strange is - I went through what they're going through now - or made the same mistakes they did. And with some of my friends, we're experiencing the same emotions and feelings about particular things in life. While it hasn't been a fun ride, I do appreciate having a little knowledge (or should I say experience?) when it comes to these situations. I can say that I helped a few of my friends feel better about their situation, held their hands through some rocky periods and listened to them when they were depressed.

I can't say I give good advice or bad. That's up to individual opinions. Of course, my friends don't always have to listen to me. I do try to share opinions rather than telling them what I think they should do. Everyone's lives are different - even in the same circumstances. While one decision might be right for someone, the same decision for someone else in the same position might be wrong.

So.... things happen for a reason. I don't have a reason for everything that's happened in my life yet - but I have a reason for many of them. Right now - for many of my experiences, my reason is so that I can help others. And in that, I feel better about having gone through a lot of stuff.

Here's something we've all heard before: Pay it forward. Do something nice for somebody. They'll really appreciate it, especially if they're going through a hard time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice post :-) just wanted to say that! --M