Thursday, October 30, 2008

So...You want to be a clown

I was browsing the Internet today. It's no different from yesterday, except I had free time on my hands. SO... I came up with the idea to look for the stupidest and funniest questions/answers on Yahoo! Answers. Yahoo! Answers is a tool that allows people to come together to ask and answer questions. The topics range from anything from Sex 101 to troubleshooting equipment. There are some intelligent questions followed by intelligent answers, from which you can really learn from. And of course, because we have stupid people living among us (we REALLY should do something about that), there are stupid questions and obviously, stupid answers. My favorite answers are the best type of any kind - sarcastic and funny answers to just plain stupid questions. I was thoroughly entertained and I hope you will be too.

"I want to be a clown, what colleges are good for me?"
Answer: McDonald's Drive Thru

"How are babies made? Do you swallow an egg and become pregnant?"
Answer #1: No, well you are sleeping and your boyfriend climbs on top of you and that's how it happens
Answer #2: Why don't you give it a go?
Answer #3: Yep, better stop eating those poached and scrambled eggs for breakfast.
Answer #4: Yes, you buy them at the grocery store. They're in the DUMMIES ONLY aisle.

"How do you get away with murder?"
Answer #1: Kill yourself
Answer #2: Join the military. Not only it's legal, you'll be applauded

"Why are the holes in cats fur always in the right place for their eyes?"
Answer: Dude, check again. If you see a tail above the hole, you're looking at the wrong end.

"I made Jesus-shaped pancakes, but I burnt them. Am I going to Hell?"
Answer #1: I think if you top them with butter pats in the shape of Mary, you'll be ok.
Answer #2: Wait three days and resurrect them. Then you'll be saved :)

"How do you ask a question on Yahoo! Answers?"
Answer: You just did, FOOL!

"I live in Georgia, but I don't see Russia. They say there's tanks, should I be worried?" (Sub-question) "I heard on the news that Russia has invaded, but I don't see them anywhere. What's going on?"
Answer: You are in the state of Georgia. The nation of Georgia is on the other side of the world.

"Have you ever felt stupid?"
Answer #1: Stupid people never FEEL stupid. That's what makes them stupid.
Answer #2: I get told I'm too stupid to realize I'm stupid, but how does that work? I don't get it.

"Why are the answers to the Yahoo questions so stupid?"
Answer: The question is, why do people ask questions like this one?

"Is Spiderman real?"
Answer #1: He's my friend and he lives in my basement
Answer #2: Yes, I am actually Spiderman and right now, my spidey senses are tingling

"How to turn computer monitor into mirror?" (Sub-question) "Does anyone know if it's possible to use a background that would essentially turn my computer monitor into a mirror? Scanning a mirror doesn't work."
Answer: I can't believe you attempted to scan a mirror!

"My boyfriend has skin cancer... should I leave him?"
Personal response: You #*$! idiot!

Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ghosts, Goblins and Just Plain Scary Humans

Halloween is just around the corner. Do you know where you'll be? In spite of my efforts to find a party or come up with something really interesting to do, I'll just settle down and do something I like to do (and do often) - watch movies. I had considered renting classic horror movies and snack the night away. So cliche, right? I ended up getting a horror movie, a parody and a comedy. Nice mixture there. In light of Halloween, I've decided to come up with some very crucial tips for you party-goers. It has taken years of trick-or-treating (and movie watching) experience to come up with these tips. Years. Respect the years.

While Trick or Treating....

Tip #1 - If you see a black cat cross in front of you, pet it and give it a kiss. If you don't, you'll face severe consequences.

Tip #2 - No matter what, don't walk in the graveyard after midnight. You must dance.

Tip #3 - If you see candy that's been opened, slip it to someone you don't like.

While partying....

Tip #1 - If the lights go out, decide who's the least liked and send him/her to the basement.

Tip #2 - No matter what, drunk does not mean you're safe. Drink with caution - there may be an idiot on the loose.

Tip #3 - To be scared in a tasteful fashion, dress appropriately. Ladies must be half-naked and men must only use half a brain. That's the only time a killer will come around.

And finally - Tips you MUST learn from the movies....

Tip #1 - If you think you've killed the monster, do NOT go back and check to make sure it's dead.

Tip #2 - If you hear a noise and find out it's just the cat, LEAVE ANYWAY.

Tip #3 - If you find a town that looks deserted, there's probably a good reason for it.

Tip #4 - If your car runs out of gas in the middle of nowhere and you can't figure out why (you had a full tank just a minute ago), shoot yourself. You're going to die anyway, probably eaten.

In the spirit of Halloween and scary stuff, I've created a poll. You've probably already seen it. Go ahead and answer it. I dare you.

The poll: You find yourself waking up in a strange place hooked up to a strange thingamajig. You get a message saying you must go through extreme pain to save yourself or face immediate death. You have a time limit. Would you... suffer pain to save your life or rather die and get it over with?

Sound familiar?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Day One of Unemployment

Today's the first day of the rest of my life. I often wonder what that really means to people when they say that. Obviously, it means starting over and today's the day of new beginnings. Tomorrow's a new day and so is the day after that. Theoretically, tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life also - and the day after that, and the day after that and so on. All in all, that sounds really nice - being able to start a new day everyday (and starting over) but many of us don't even realize the chance we're given to begin a new day. Granted, sometimes I'm just tired of living. Tired of having to wake up, tired of having to start another day, tired of having to go through the same routine day in and day out. But at the same time, I enjoy life - I can't even bear the thought of dying young.

Anyway, in light of recent events, I'm trying hard to stay positive. I was laid off yesterday (boo-hoo). Work had considerably slowed down and I was going home early everyday. I won't lie, I really enjoyed going home early even though I needed the money. What was I to do? Even though I had known work was pretty bad, I wasn't prepared to hear that my boss was letting go of a lot of people. He had to let off the entire 2nd and 3rd shifts in all departments, 4 from my department and 15 from another department. That's bad. Obviously, I was shocked by the news and pretty upset about it. To be suddenly cut off from my main mean of income, I started to wonder how in the world am I going to pay my bills? My boss apologized over and over and said he expects to have work in about a month. If and when he gets work, he'll definitely call me to go back. I'm not holding my breath though. What if there isn't work to do?

Staying positive does have a unique effect on people when they choose to exercise that attitude. Even though I was miserable and worried all day long, I forced myself to believe that it's not the end of the world. I have another job - a part-time job. So I'm not totally broke. After speaking to tons of contacts and letting them all know I was looking for another job - I applied to 4 places yesterday. Off to a good start....

Even though I still worry, I am liking my new routine. Imagine this: T-minus 10 seconds of commute opposed to an hour in the morning and another hour in the afternoon. I slept in until 9am (after getting my kid off to school, of course), took a couple steps to get some coffee, then another few steps and I was in my "office." I have enough work right now to last me a while so I think I'm safe for now. But it would be nice to have a roommate...

It's nice being back at home again. In the middle of working, I stopped and played with my son for a long while. I watched tv, did laundry and cleaned a little bit while working as well. By the time my daughter came home from school, I was done working and completed most of my chores. I got a little bit of spring cleaning done too.

A friend came over to borrow some books. I had realized that some of my most prized books weren't on any of my bookshelves so I decided to take a look around. I found a box packed full of books that I had read when I was a young girl - from about 3rd grade through middle school. That box held my favorite books. As I was sorting through these books to refresh my memory of what I had, I felt a tug at my heart as I reminisced over the memories of these books. Some of these books still had that fresh book smell and others smelled musty and worn. I love these smells. Right then, I decided I would like to read them all again. As I was looking through my books, my daughter approached me and took an interest in the books. I had an idea and asked her to choose one. Since these books were just a little bit too advanced for her, I told her we'd read these books together.

So I sat down with her and started reading the first book she chose - Sideway Stories from Wayside School. As I was reading with her, I was reminded of yet another positive aspect. While my kids can drive me insane on many days, I get to relieve my childhood through them. How awesome is that?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Free At Last

For the past couple of weeks, I have been super busy during the week trying to do this and that while feeling very overwhelmed. I save my weekends for myself and fun with friends, which causes my weeks to become crazy... I'm happy to say that finally, today, I got caught up on everything I needed to do. My To-Do List is never-ending... but at least for now, I can breathe, sit back and relax knowing that other things can wait a day or two now with a peaceful mind.

I have so many things to gripe about. Today, traffic was horrible so I was 15 minutes late to work. Thankfully, my boss is ultra understanding and super nice. When I move to another job, I kinda wanna take him with me. I was almost hit 3 times on the freeway (yes, 3! and NOT my fault), in less than a minute. I was minding my own business traveling down my lane when three separate cars tried to move out in front of me from their lane (cuz their lane was super slow). Geez! And there's someone at work that EVERYONE in my department doesn't like... she gives us problems (does a crappy job), we get upset (because we have to fix her mistakes) and she gets mad cuz we're upset. This has been going on for several weeks. I'm just really surprised she hasn't been fired yet. OH - and she goes to the bathroom at least 2-3 times an hour and stays there 5-10 mins at a time. You can imagine just how much work she does during the day. Today, she tried insulting me and my friend - saying our "hand gestures" bother her so please stop talking. Very interesting because where she sits, she can't see us at all - we're talking behind her back (literally). I wanted SO much to say... "Well, your face bothers me." Yes - I know that's mean. Of course, I didn't say anything. So unfprofessional, right? But I feel much better now that I've made it public here :)

I have much more to complain about BUT it's such a nice day and have been really nice lately, so I'm going to stay in a happy mood and enjoy the weather. It rained a lot last week.. some thunderstorms and some sprinkles. It was mostly overcast all week and I actually enjoyed that. It was calming and soothing to me for some reason. We were welcomed with cool winds and sunny days after the rain went away so that was nice too.

This weekend, I'm going to the Texas Renaissance Festival with a friend. SO looking forward to it. We're going to try and dress up this weekend for the festival. I've never dressed up for that before so it'll be fun and interesting. Maybe do a little bit of role-playing... I suck at acting, so we'll see.

Maybe I'll chicken out and just go as myself.. and try to keep my friend from tipping over too much. I think he plans to go as a drunk jester. THAT will be interesting to see.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Hello, Google!

I always thought that websites that let you get everything in one place was lame. I was never a fan of being able to use a bunch of different stuff or read a bunch of different stuff on one website. Usually, I get bored with the website (probably the layout or the design) that eventually I just started marking everything as "read" and then later, stopped going to the website completely.

I much preferred going to each of the individual websites like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Snopes, etc to get information there. The "all in one" websites don't usually include EVERYTHING and God forbid, I miss something funny or interesting.

I've used Google for years, but mostly the search engine. I prefer the Google search engine over Yahoo's anytime. My blogs are posted on Blogger - which is owned by Google. Recently, I started exploring and discovered much more to Google than just their search engine, email and blog. Because I have a Google account, I have access to tons of Google services, with Reader being one of them. One day, I checked it out. And I liked what I saw.

Reader is an application that puts all the news, blogs and stuff all in one place. So one day, I started subscribing to whatever interested me - news, photography, cooking, blogs and so forth. Every once in a while, I spend time reading everything. Very convenient. I read Yahoo news, MSN news and Google news all on one page. I even check out Snopes using Google Reader. Anything that I like, I share.

You can see everything that I've shared on the side of my blog. They're photos, news and info that I have found interesting.

Go on, check it out.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

And so it continues...

It's Sunday night. I should be sleeping - but I can't. Guess I'm too wound up from the past week and weekend. Been staying busy with homework, work and other stuff. I've been so busy the past two weeks or so, one day I crashed at 5pm and slept all the way through to 4am the next morning! Needless to say, I showed up to work VERY well-rested and ready to start the day.

I had a fairly productive weekend. I spent my Saturday fixing up the new deaf center that we're opening in 5 days. I enjoyed doing inventory, painting and putting my body to work, but boy I was sore by the end of the day! I twisted my knee somehow so it's been painful to get around lately... especially up three flights of stairs several times a day.

Enough about the happenings in my life. That's boring compared to what's going on around me. First off, gas prices have majorly dropped and is still dropping! The last time I was out (earlier today), I saw $2.78 per gallon!!! Earlier in the week, I saw prices dropping and dropping so I was holding out on getting gas for my car. At $2.99, I had thought it might not drop any lower so I filled my tank up. The next day, it dropped another 10 cents. I sure hope the gas prices keep falling - that's a huge help for most of us who aren't rich.

It's 1929 all over again. Stock market is crashing and crashing bad. When I saw the news the other day, it had started to climb a few points (a hundred or two) but was still dangerously low. Now's the time to start buying some stocks.. you're sure to make a quick buck once the stock market goes up again. Too bad I don't have the money to invest.

I've been blogs, news articles and TV interviews on the $700 billion bailout bill that the government recently signed. Some are positive and some are negative. I'm afraid I'm on the negative side. The bailout money is to help banks from crashing and closing - and therefore, losing their customer's money. The purpose of the bailout was to give the banks some money so they won't have to foreclose on a whole bunch of houses that are behind in payment. That goes for other kinds of loans (vehicle and credit) that people aren't paying on... this allows the people to still be in debt and the bank can say "oh, it's no big deal, pay us when you can, we have some money now."

They're taking $700 billion of taxpayer's money (not much of mine - I haven't worked much yet) and essentially giving them to homeowners who are behind on their mortgage payments. Why should we have to bail them (and the banks) out? They are the ones who signed the loan contract and the banks are the ones who gave them the money. Why do we have to jump in and help them out with their dumb decisions? I sincerely believe that if people cannot afford their home, they should sell it and downgrade. Of course, I understand if people run into some hard times financially. I've had a few of those hard times myself over the past few years. People are getting laid off left and right with the bad economy - but that's why everyone should have a safety net. If you don't have money to fall back on then you shouldn't be thinking about getting a house. You should be focusing on building a savings account, retirement fund or any kind of cash to fall back on.

Of course, I won't be able to guarantee that if I was the one who owned a house and was having financial problems, I would feel the same way I do now. I might actually be thankful for the bailout bill - so I could keep my house. But I would probably feel guilty about having other people's taxes help me keep my house when I probably don't even deserve it in the first place.

Oh well - not much you or I can do about the bailout bill now. It's been signed and it's going into effect. I don't know much about business, finances and Wall Street stuff, but I think I can say that I don't think the bailout bill isn't gonna work. As long as the economy is doing crappy, the money is just going to disappear into thin air. The government will have to sign Bailout bill #2. Even that wont happen, a lot of people are going to fight against it I'm sure. At least I hope they do.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Thank God It's Friday!!!!

Whew, I just had the busiest and longest week ever! All I can say is - Thank God It's FRIDAY! A friend once said (and I TOTALLY agree) that once he started working again, Friday (and the weekend) took on a whole new meaning. Friday and the weekend means freedom. Freedom to sleep in (when my kids let me), freedom to stay up late (if I can stay awake), and freedom to be lazy (when I don't have homework, and this and that).

I started the week out with a very specific routine in mind. Needless to say, that didn't happen. I have SO much to complain about and I get stressed when I can't do the things I intended to do. Yes, I'm going to write out exactly what happened to me everyday. Don't care if anybody reads it - mostly just documenting it for my own sake. If you end up with a headache by the time you're done reading, then perfect! You can suffer right along with me!


I was going to go to church, attend a meeting, socialize, deal with my responsibilities then go home to REST (I hadn't gotten much sleep the week before) and grade papers. I ended up staying much longer (try 4 hours longer) than I anticipated. Instead of resting, I stuck around and built a set of table and 4 chairs. Yep. Just me and my sister (with me doing most of the work), in a room with no air conditioning. When I finally got home, I was pooped. I forced myself to grade papers anyway - they were due the next day. Bed at midnight - only 5 hours before I have to wake up.


I had plans later in the evening so I set aside a few hours that day to do very specific things but then someone else unexpectedly showed up so my list of things to do got pushed aside. The only thing I accomplished was turning in the papers I had graded. Then...I got more to grade. The only good thing that happened that day was - I got to watch a movie. Bed at 1:30am - 3 1/2 hours before I have to wake up.


I decided I'd do the things I was supposed to on Monday and everything else I decided to do on Tuesday. Guess what happened? Someone showed up again so my plans got pushed aside. It wasn't until late Tuesday night that I finally got around to doing something and I didn't even finish. It was 1am - only 4 hours of sleep before getting up for work. What fun.


I had a meeting right after work at 4:30 for my son. I wasn't done until 6! So needless to say, my list of things to do got pushed back even further. I finally got the ball rolling after I fed my kids dinner and completed a few things. I struggled with a school assignment for 3 hours before calling it quits. I wasn't halfway done because a couple of stupid programs were giving me problems. Bed at 12:30 - 4 1/2 hours before I have to wake up.


The best day EVER! Work was slow so I was dismissed 3 hours early. Yay for me but boo for my bank account. I decided to use that extra 3 hours to grocery shop, do homework, grade papers and much more. Yeah right. I went to pick up my son and ended up spending time with my sister for an hour (that's always good). I got home and worked on homework. The same one I was struggling with for 3 hours the previous day. I didn't finish that assignment after I worked on it for another 4 hours. It's safe to say - I HATE making movies! My son activated the security alarm somehow - so it was going off most of the day. Fun fun fun! Emergency maintenance never returned my call and never showed up. I pitied my neighbors. Bed at 11 - that's early based on recent standards! 6 hours of sleep!


Woke up in a positive mood - after all, it's Friday! I get to work and was informed of very sickening news. Work wasn't done properly (by someone else, mostly) so three of us in my department had to go over everything all over again. Yeah, fun! When I got home, the alarm was still going off so I complained to the people at the office. They sent someone over right away and finally turned off my alarm. Whew. Today, I was absolutely DETERMINED to complete at least three things when I got home. Mission #1: accomplished. Mission #2: failed. Mission #3: accomplished. I had plans to go out but ended up staying home. Guess I needed to. I got quite a bit done. But guess what, I'm nowhere near done with my "To Do" list.

It's 11pm and I have no plans of sleeping soon. I need to do other stuff and I'm tempted to sit on the couch and watch TV for some "me" time. To top it all off, I have a meeting tomorrow morning at 10am and another one after that.

Tomorrow afternoon - I am going to do what I want! I'm going to be all about me me me! I'm going to relax and have fun. I just hope that dream isn't a bit too far fetched.