Thursday, October 30, 2008

So...You want to be a clown

I was browsing the Internet today. It's no different from yesterday, except I had free time on my hands. SO... I came up with the idea to look for the stupidest and funniest questions/answers on Yahoo! Answers. Yahoo! Answers is a tool that allows people to come together to ask and answer questions. The topics range from anything from Sex 101 to troubleshooting equipment. There are some intelligent questions followed by intelligent answers, from which you can really learn from. And of course, because we have stupid people living among us (we REALLY should do something about that), there are stupid questions and obviously, stupid answers. My favorite answers are the best type of any kind - sarcastic and funny answers to just plain stupid questions. I was thoroughly entertained and I hope you will be too.

"I want to be a clown, what colleges are good for me?"
Answer: McDonald's Drive Thru

"How are babies made? Do you swallow an egg and become pregnant?"
Answer #1: No, well you are sleeping and your boyfriend climbs on top of you and that's how it happens
Answer #2: Why don't you give it a go?
Answer #3: Yep, better stop eating those poached and scrambled eggs for breakfast.
Answer #4: Yes, you buy them at the grocery store. They're in the DUMMIES ONLY aisle.

"How do you get away with murder?"
Answer #1: Kill yourself
Answer #2: Join the military. Not only it's legal, you'll be applauded

"Why are the holes in cats fur always in the right place for their eyes?"
Answer: Dude, check again. If you see a tail above the hole, you're looking at the wrong end.

"I made Jesus-shaped pancakes, but I burnt them. Am I going to Hell?"
Answer #1: I think if you top them with butter pats in the shape of Mary, you'll be ok.
Answer #2: Wait three days and resurrect them. Then you'll be saved :)

"How do you ask a question on Yahoo! Answers?"
Answer: You just did, FOOL!

"I live in Georgia, but I don't see Russia. They say there's tanks, should I be worried?" (Sub-question) "I heard on the news that Russia has invaded, but I don't see them anywhere. What's going on?"
Answer: You are in the state of Georgia. The nation of Georgia is on the other side of the world.

"Have you ever felt stupid?"
Answer #1: Stupid people never FEEL stupid. That's what makes them stupid.
Answer #2: I get told I'm too stupid to realize I'm stupid, but how does that work? I don't get it.

"Why are the answers to the Yahoo questions so stupid?"
Answer: The question is, why do people ask questions like this one?

"Is Spiderman real?"
Answer #1: He's my friend and he lives in my basement
Answer #2: Yes, I am actually Spiderman and right now, my spidey senses are tingling

"How to turn computer monitor into mirror?" (Sub-question) "Does anyone know if it's possible to use a background that would essentially turn my computer monitor into a mirror? Scanning a mirror doesn't work."
Answer: I can't believe you attempted to scan a mirror!

"My boyfriend has skin cancer... should I leave him?"
Personal response: You #*$! idiot!

Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

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