Friday, October 3, 2008

Thank God It's Friday!!!!

Whew, I just had the busiest and longest week ever! All I can say is - Thank God It's FRIDAY! A friend once said (and I TOTALLY agree) that once he started working again, Friday (and the weekend) took on a whole new meaning. Friday and the weekend means freedom. Freedom to sleep in (when my kids let me), freedom to stay up late (if I can stay awake), and freedom to be lazy (when I don't have homework, and this and that).

I started the week out with a very specific routine in mind. Needless to say, that didn't happen. I have SO much to complain about and I get stressed when I can't do the things I intended to do. Yes, I'm going to write out exactly what happened to me everyday. Don't care if anybody reads it - mostly just documenting it for my own sake. If you end up with a headache by the time you're done reading, then perfect! You can suffer right along with me!


I was going to go to church, attend a meeting, socialize, deal with my responsibilities then go home to REST (I hadn't gotten much sleep the week before) and grade papers. I ended up staying much longer (try 4 hours longer) than I anticipated. Instead of resting, I stuck around and built a set of table and 4 chairs. Yep. Just me and my sister (with me doing most of the work), in a room with no air conditioning. When I finally got home, I was pooped. I forced myself to grade papers anyway - they were due the next day. Bed at midnight - only 5 hours before I have to wake up.


I had plans later in the evening so I set aside a few hours that day to do very specific things but then someone else unexpectedly showed up so my list of things to do got pushed aside. The only thing I accomplished was turning in the papers I had graded. Then...I got more to grade. The only good thing that happened that day was - I got to watch a movie. Bed at 1:30am - 3 1/2 hours before I have to wake up.


I decided I'd do the things I was supposed to on Monday and everything else I decided to do on Tuesday. Guess what happened? Someone showed up again so my plans got pushed aside. It wasn't until late Tuesday night that I finally got around to doing something and I didn't even finish. It was 1am - only 4 hours of sleep before getting up for work. What fun.


I had a meeting right after work at 4:30 for my son. I wasn't done until 6! So needless to say, my list of things to do got pushed back even further. I finally got the ball rolling after I fed my kids dinner and completed a few things. I struggled with a school assignment for 3 hours before calling it quits. I wasn't halfway done because a couple of stupid programs were giving me problems. Bed at 12:30 - 4 1/2 hours before I have to wake up.


The best day EVER! Work was slow so I was dismissed 3 hours early. Yay for me but boo for my bank account. I decided to use that extra 3 hours to grocery shop, do homework, grade papers and much more. Yeah right. I went to pick up my son and ended up spending time with my sister for an hour (that's always good). I got home and worked on homework. The same one I was struggling with for 3 hours the previous day. I didn't finish that assignment after I worked on it for another 4 hours. It's safe to say - I HATE making movies! My son activated the security alarm somehow - so it was going off most of the day. Fun fun fun! Emergency maintenance never returned my call and never showed up. I pitied my neighbors. Bed at 11 - that's early based on recent standards! 6 hours of sleep!


Woke up in a positive mood - after all, it's Friday! I get to work and was informed of very sickening news. Work wasn't done properly (by someone else, mostly) so three of us in my department had to go over everything all over again. Yeah, fun! When I got home, the alarm was still going off so I complained to the people at the office. They sent someone over right away and finally turned off my alarm. Whew. Today, I was absolutely DETERMINED to complete at least three things when I got home. Mission #1: accomplished. Mission #2: failed. Mission #3: accomplished. I had plans to go out but ended up staying home. Guess I needed to. I got quite a bit done. But guess what, I'm nowhere near done with my "To Do" list.

It's 11pm and I have no plans of sleeping soon. I need to do other stuff and I'm tempted to sit on the couch and watch TV for some "me" time. To top it all off, I have a meeting tomorrow morning at 10am and another one after that.

Tomorrow afternoon - I am going to do what I want! I'm going to be all about me me me! I'm going to relax and have fun. I just hope that dream isn't a bit too far fetched.

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