Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ghosts, Goblins and Just Plain Scary Humans

Halloween is just around the corner. Do you know where you'll be? In spite of my efforts to find a party or come up with something really interesting to do, I'll just settle down and do something I like to do (and do often) - watch movies. I had considered renting classic horror movies and snack the night away. So cliche, right? I ended up getting a horror movie, a parody and a comedy. Nice mixture there. In light of Halloween, I've decided to come up with some very crucial tips for you party-goers. It has taken years of trick-or-treating (and movie watching) experience to come up with these tips. Years. Respect the years.

While Trick or Treating....

Tip #1 - If you see a black cat cross in front of you, pet it and give it a kiss. If you don't, you'll face severe consequences.

Tip #2 - No matter what, don't walk in the graveyard after midnight. You must dance.

Tip #3 - If you see candy that's been opened, slip it to someone you don't like.

While partying....

Tip #1 - If the lights go out, decide who's the least liked and send him/her to the basement.

Tip #2 - No matter what, drunk does not mean you're safe. Drink with caution - there may be an idiot on the loose.

Tip #3 - To be scared in a tasteful fashion, dress appropriately. Ladies must be half-naked and men must only use half a brain. That's the only time a killer will come around.

And finally - Tips you MUST learn from the movies....

Tip #1 - If you think you've killed the monster, do NOT go back and check to make sure it's dead.

Tip #2 - If you hear a noise and find out it's just the cat, LEAVE ANYWAY.

Tip #3 - If you find a town that looks deserted, there's probably a good reason for it.

Tip #4 - If your car runs out of gas in the middle of nowhere and you can't figure out why (you had a full tank just a minute ago), shoot yourself. You're going to die anyway, probably eaten.

In the spirit of Halloween and scary stuff, I've created a poll. You've probably already seen it. Go ahead and answer it. I dare you.

The poll: You find yourself waking up in a strange place hooked up to a strange thingamajig. You get a message saying you must go through extreme pain to save yourself or face immediate death. You have a time limit. Would you... suffer pain to save your life or rather die and get it over with?

Sound familiar?

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