Tuesday, November 25, 2008

On a Cuteness scale of 10

When it comes to being cute, my son is a 10. It seems that lately I've been posting a lot about my son and what he has been up to. Frankly, a 2 year old can give you hell, but he can also give you a lot of laughter and smiles. With no job, playing with my son every day seems to be the highlight of my life right now.

Yesterday, I went out to run the usual errands... post office, bank, grocery shopping and picked up movies from Redbox. When we came home from all our errands, I brought him upstairs and left him to play inside while I took three trips up and down the stairs to haul all the groceries up. This week, I had bought more than I normally would - I have Thanksgiving to thank for that. The worst thing about living on the 3rd floor is hauling all the heavy groceries up. It's a pain in the butt.

On each of my trip upstairs, my son would greet me at the door, peering in the doorway and waving "Hi!" each time he saw me. On my second trip up, I asked Logan if he wanted to help me. He gave a short, curt nod (like he always does) and said "yeah!" I instructed him to bring food inside. Knowing my son and his strength, I didn't expect much help from him. To start him off, I gave him a bag that had a loaf of bread in there. He could carry that, right?

So I make my way down the stairs to get the last of the groceries. It took me longer than expected because the groceries were heavier than I thought. As I struggled to loop 6 or 7 bags through my arms and carried them up the stairs, I had hoped that Logan would be doing his small job.

On my final trip up, I decided to leave the groceries outside the door with all the rest of the groceries. It looked funny to me. There were the same amount of bags outside but somehow, the bags were smaller - as if they held less food. I went inside to see how my son was doing. Sure enough, he was bringing food in... BUT he was taking them out of the bags and bringing them in one at a time. How cute. What's even cuter is that he sorted through all the bags and only brought in food he liked! Grapes, Strawberries, Bread and Cereal.

He had arranged them up on the counter and had started to make his way back outside to gather more food just as I appeared in the kitchen. He looked at me and held his hands out towards the food as to say "See!? Look what I did!" He trotted away and sat on the couch, assuming that since Mommy's here now, his job was done.

After receiving some crappy news over the weekend, this was the medicine I needed.

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