Thursday, November 13, 2008

Short n sweet

I've got gloomy-itis. Nothing like a gloomy day to make one lazy. I mean lazy. Bless my son, he slept in until 10 - which means I slept in as well. I woke up with good intentions to organize a few things, work, write a purposeful blog, work on my GED lessons, etc. But, boredom got the best of me today. For the first time in a long time, I was bored. Usually when I am bored, I get irritated and frustrated. Boredom isn't fun. Like really, when is it fun? If it was fun to be bored, it wouldn't be called boredom. It'd be called fundom! Today, I felt an eerie sense of satisfaction to just sit around and do mindless things. I didn't have a fantastically fun day, but it was enjoyable as boredom goes. As the day goes on, I'm getting more and more restless. Staying home has its perks, but I need a job to keep from going insane.

All day, I had a little voice in the back of my head - "you're wasting an entire day - be productive!" But eh, my lazy voice won. I did nothing - well, nothing that was important and life-altering. I chatted with a friend. I watched soap operas. I snacked. I browsed the Internet. Fun, huh? Actually, I did make a short trip to the post office to mail out a netflix movie. Yay me!

What to do next? I guess I'll have to get up off my butt and away from the computer sometime soon to cook dinner. Then I'll waste the night away by watching television and watch lots more Heroes episodes. I'm just totally in love with that show now. It's awesome!

So, just so I feel semi-productive, I wrote this nonsensical blog just to make noise. Maybe - if my brain wakes up - I'll be back to write something that's worth reading.

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