Friday, July 17, 2009

Storm's Brewing

I was watching a special made-for-TV movie on the Disney channel with my daughter. My son was on my computer playing, for what it seemed to be the 100th time, a virtual reality Pony game. He is nuts about horses and I happened to find one where you could take care of a horse, feed it, give it water, groom it, take it for walks (it pees) and you can even race it. Logan LOVES the game. It's so kid-friendly that even he figured out how to navigate the game without my help.

Anyway, during a commercial, I glanced around the apartment for several things. I like to make sure that my dog, kids and my phone are ok. Yes, I check my phone to see whether the light's blinking green or blue. It's been green all day. Boo. :(

While I was glancing around the apartment, I noticed a very pink hue streaming through my windows. Curious, I looked out the window and was amazed by what I saw. Even though I'm not a fan of pink, what I saw was beautiful. I ran outside with my camera and attempted to take some photos. I'm not particularly savvy with a camera (but would like to gain photography skills) but I'm proud of what I've done. These photos have not been altered in any way.

Looking back at what I saw and at these photos, I got (and still get) an eerie feeling that a storm was/is brewing. The wind picked up somewhat while I was outside so that made it all the more spooky. The weather today certainly has fit my mood.

When I woke up, the sky was sunny and clouds were very fluffy and white. A short while later, it became dark and moody. It brightened up again only to become dark again. I thought this was an interesting end to an interesting weather today.

I hope you enjoy the photos - and let me know what you think!

This is my first picture right after stepping out of my apartment. The pink is barely there but it was noticeable.

While the front was pink, the back was purely white, grey and blue. I thought it was interesting how the sky could look so different just by walking to the back of my building.

This is the other side of the sky that's behind my building. Darker and more clouds.
After taking photos of the sky behind my apartment, I decided to go back to the front to see how the pink sky was doing. It had become much darker and a lot more pink in just a short amount of time. This is exactly what the sky looked like.
Another point of view of the sky in front of my building. Isn't it amazing?

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