Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Captioning in Movies

If you're like me, you probably check websites every now and then to see if any good movies are showing in theatres with captioning. While messing around and doing some research on how open captions work, I found a website that allows RSS feeds on movies playing. I figured this would be an excellent way to check for updated information without having to check multiple websites.

This also saves me (and you) the hassle of checking back frequently to see if it's been updated. I remember waiting two days to check the website for updated information and finding out that I was 2 hours too late for a movie that I REALLY wanted to watch. That sucked.

I've put in an RSS feed over in the right column on this website for myself and any others who would like easy access to ALL movies playing in ALL theatres - regardless of whether it's OC or RW. Before today, I had to check three separate websites to get the information, so hopefully it'll save my finger from excessive mouse-clicking.


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