Wednesday, April 2, 2008

America's Sweetheart

We all love him. We have gone on many adventures right alongside Mario and his brother, Luigi, and helped them battle the meanies of Mushroom Kingdom. A few weeks ago, I went on yet another adventure with Mario and a couple of my friends. While on this escapade, my friend (let’s call him “J”) and I noticed that Mario’s not acting quite like himself. He was acting very peculiar. See, whenever he bumped into something, he hopped around like a pitiful, goofy…something. Yes, “something.” It was so disturbing that I can’t even put it into words..

To really experience Mario’s sad transformation, please check this video out. Although this video is about 3:42 minutes long, you only need to watch a few seconds of it. Scroll ahead to 3:20 and watch about 5 seconds.

This image really stuck in J’s head. I guess J was starting to feel sorry for Mario, although it was kind of hard to tell. I took it upon myself to sit down with Mario and have a heart-to-heart with him to really get to know him. After all, there’s not much time to talk while we’re battling Boswer and his clan.

M: So Mario, here we are. After many years of fighting alongside each other (and others), we finally have a chance to sit down and talk. Tell us about yourself; let us know what makes you tick.
Mario: Um, sure.

M: What’s your favorite food?
Mario: Mushrooms. They make me big. Kind of like how spinach works for Popeye.

M: Interesting. Here’s something that everyone wants to know. What made you leave your plumbing occupation? We hardly ever see you at work.
Mario: Well, have you ever seen a plumbing tool belt on me? It’s very unflattering. Besides, Princess is taking up all my time. You know how it is.

M: Actually, I don’t. Tell us about your relationship with Princess.
Mario: Do I have to? It’s the same as everyone else’s, really. Damsel-in-distress equals knight-in-shining-armor. That’s me. Having to rescue a girl all the time is very time consuming, very exhausting and emotionally draining. Just ask Prince Charming or Shrek. *mutters* Maybe it’s time I traded Yoshi in for a white horse. I gather I’ll be able to travel more efficiently.

M: Tell us about your education.
Mario: Well, I have a BS in Plumbing, an MA in Damsel-Saving and a PhD in Pharmacy.

M: Wow, a pharmacist. What made you decide to go down that path?
Mario: I didn’t want to. Someone thought it would be funny to make me a Doctor and force me supervise millions of people who wanted to play with colored pills. *sigh* Idiots.

M: Tell us about your brother, Luigi. Out of the two of you, who’s older?
Mario: Bah, Luigi? Who cares? I’m the oldest.

M: Where do you two live?
Mario: Um, Brooklyn, New York.

M: One last question, what happened in Wrecking Crew ’98? You seemed like you were in a lot of pain.
Mario: Oh, that. I just stubbed my toe.

There you have it, folks. While Mario is shy and quiet, he can also be a very complex person. I actually think I caught him at a bad time. Word is that Princess just got kidnapped again. Although he claims that he stubbed his toe, J and I know better. See, everyone has to know that when your significant other is always being kidnapped, it’s going put some undue stress on you. It was just a matter of time before Mario snapped.

I offer my heartfelt, sincere apology to Mario and Princess for the undue stress we’ve put them through. I am begging on the behalf of Mario: PLEASE stop kidnapping Princess!


ciscobird said...

LOL!!!! Maybe email the person who has the video to post a shorter copy of the game for you to link to?

Mady said...

Ay ya yay...i always end up having to post twice, the first one never goes thru?! ok...what did i say earlier...OH!!

That is tOo FuNnY!!! u know i am not a video game kinda gal! ;) And so I have not played Mario Bros. since I was like 10 or 11?!?! LOL
What an imagination you have ME! I LiKe It!!! hee hee....