Saturday, April 26, 2008

Getting through the weekend

Well, this is it. Tomorrow I'm going to do something life-changing. I just hope it turns out good. In less than 12 hours from now, I will be jumping out of an airplane thousands of feet in the air with a stranger strapped to my back. And definitely with a parachute. Two of them. And I hope they both work. Why am I jumping? My birthday was a couple days ago and I turned 26. It wasn't as scary as turning 25. I remember turning 25 like it was yesterday. I dragged 5 of my friends over to San Antonio and spent the weekend there. That was a blast! For some unknown reason to this day, turning 25 was scary. I guess it was then that I realized that I'm not getting any younger.

This year, I decided to go with the trend and do something fun again. Unfortunately, my brain told me to choose "skydiving." Why!? I should have said something like "Let's go to the beach." I blame a friend. I told my friends about it, talked about it for about a month and then one of my friends decided to make it official and made plans. So, tomorrow...I am taking the plunge... literally. Out of everyone I know that is going so far, I'm the only one that's jumping. They're wusses. Or maybe I'm the stupid one.

All week long, I've had several people ask me if I was nervous yet. And all week long, my answer was "not yet." On the eve of my first jump, I am amazed to say that I'm not nervous yet. Well, maybe I am... but I think it's actually the coffee I just drank. I'm positive that once I'm on that plane thousands of feet in the air, I'll get nervous. You want to know a secret? My biggest fear is... wetting my pants. Note to self: pee before you get on the plane.

Hopefully, I'll be back on Monday - armed with details and with photos. See you then!

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