Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Trying new things

So...I decided to start a blog. For a long time, I've had a secret desire to start writing but neither had the time, the motivation or confidence to start. I always thought that my first writing assignment would be a short story or even a little book for kids - but then I realized I better start small. Not that a children's book isn't small - I figured I would start by expressing myself rather than coming up with fiction. It's easier that way..

The title for my blog page was inspired by... me, of course! I wish I could be noble and point out that the idea came from a close friend or someone important to me but my writings will be based on my own feelings and experiences in life. There have been many times where I would sit and think about my childhood and wish that life could always be that simple (more on that later). As I get older and take on responsibilities, I have seen and realized that life never has been and never will be simple. Kind of like abstract art. I've always been fascinated by abstract art and wonder what caused the artist to create that particular image. Just like it takes a jumble of "nothing" to create abstract art, it takes a jumble of little things to create who you are. There isn't one event or one person that can define your life; it takes a lot of different things put together to create what you have become or what you will be.

As much as I hope I will enjoy writing blogs, I hope you will enjoy reading them. Visit often and leave comments.

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