Thursday, April 3, 2008

Being Adventerous

B... this is for you.

As a child, I was pretty adventerous as little girls (and boys) would go. I was never a girly girl - I always played with the boys. I climbed trees, I played baseball (ok, softball but you get the idea), and when our streets flooded, I waded in the ditches barefoot hunting for crawdads. Also, I. Loved. Video. Games! I played Nintendo for hours, mostly Super Mario Bros. 3, and was extremely competitive with the neighborhood boys when we played sports video games (I ROCKED at baseball). I loved playing Dr. Mario and I still do.

I never broke a bone (until last summer, and its still broken) but I sure have a couple of scars. I've cut myself open too many times to count and I have been shot in the forehead with a BB gun. My happiest times during my childhood had to be when I was getting myself into one mess or another.

Someone once told me that I lost my spark for life and for adventure. I'm not "spunky" anymore. That pretty much happened right around the time I became a mother for the first time. A young mother, at that. I was no longer responsible for my own life but for someone else's. That's a tough thing to deal with. And I guess I could say... I became safe and boring.

But not for much longer. Recently, I have started to feel excited about things again and started to have the desire to be adventerous. I have J to thank for that. I used to joke and say that he's going through a mid-life crisis because of the things he's interested in, but I'm thinking that maybe he has the right idea. I do have to say that if it wasn't for his incessant blabbing about motorcycles *rolling my eyes* or in the past, about skydiving, I probably never would have thought about being adventerous again.

So, I'm going to take it upon myself to be adventerous. Somehow, I don't think getting shot with a BB gun again would be fun, so I am going to move on to bigger and better things. And it's always much better when you got friends to do them with.

First stop: skydiving - and P, you're coming with me :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SKYDIVING?! Wow, no thanks..i'll stay safe & boring!!!
What? OH you weren't inviting me anyways? uh ok...M
DOY! i forgot to sign the last couople of blogs I posted with my name, cuz i had to sign in anonymous cuz i cannot for the life of me figure out this google/blogger stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
uh ok...signing out...
Madrid :-)