Wednesday, April 30, 2008

No end in sight...

Each day, I try to come up with something interesting to write about. After all, if it isn't interesting, nobody will read it, right? And it definitely won't be fun for me to write about. My silence over the past few days isn't because I'm out having fun. Yes, I was busy - but not the kind of busy I want to be. And sometimes I don't write because I'm suffering from lack of ideas (or inspiration, or lack of fun things to write about). I figured that instead of staying silent (and have my readers ask me what's up), I will just write anyway - even if it's not exciting. I feel like I should put a disclaimer before these type of posts... "Beware! Will bore you to death. Read at your own risk." At the risk of boring us all, I will write about why I've been busy. Our lives can't always be so intriguing. It's gotta be dull and boring at least some of the times to help us appreciate the more exciting moments. Right? Right! SO glad you agree!

I figured that for now, I'll tell you what I've been up to. Following my fun fun fun weekend (yes, it was fun), I've settled back into my mommy routine. Which is... cleaning, cooking, cleaning, wiping poop, wiping snot, cleaning and.. you guessed it, cleaning! I suppose I'm a neat freak. Or I can take the low road and blame my kids - I've got two messy kids. On Monday, I worked and cleaned and took care of my son (as usual). My daughter stayed with a friend over the weekend and what do you know, she forgot her class mascot. It was her weekend to bring the class mascot home. Thankfully, it isn't some live animal - it was a cute stuffed Clifford (yes, the big red dog). She left Clifford at her friend's house so monday night, after watching my TV shows, I had to drive 30 minutes out to pick it up, make polite chit-chat for 45 minutes then drive 30 minutes back home. Then I watched a movie.

Tuesday, I was pretty busy. Yes, I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. But this time I can't blame my kids. My son caught whatever my daughter had over the weekend. So whenever he took a teeny tiny sip of clear liquid, he'd manage to throw up 10x as much within the next few minutes. Thankfully, I've mastered the art of recognizing when a kid is about to barf on you. My son was sitting on my lap facing me (that would have been messy) when I noticed the on-set of barf time. I jumped up as quickly as I could and RAN to the kitchen hauling my son with me. As soon as I plopped him down in the kitchen, he went retching all over the place. It looked like something out of an alien movie where the alien just doesn't stop throwing up green goo. That's it, no food or drink for him for the rest of the day. Poor baby. And poor me! I had to deal with a crying, whining sick 2 year old all day long. I gave in twice more and let him have small sips of clear liquid. And each time, he barfed. In the kitchen, thankfully. While dealing with my son, I cooked dinner for my daughter, worked 6 hours (my boss is nice enuff to let me work from home whenever I can - but it's not enuff to live on), and still managed to watch some TV shows. Finally, 8pm came. I was never as happy to see 8pm as I was that day. 8pm meant bedtime! I put both kids into bed and sat down to watch TV.

Stupid me - I decided that I had to stay busy. I guess from all the adrenaline from taking care of my son. So, I set off to wash the clothes, clean the laundry room, clean the carpet, mop the kitchen floor (duh, who wouldn't clean the kitchen floor after a kid threw up on it 3x?), wipe down the cabinets and counter, paint some walls, clean both toilets, and pull out grout around my bathtub. Why? Because the people who lived here before me didn't clean their tub (obviously) so it got all grimey and moldy. Before I moved in, maintenance simply put new grout over the old one to make it white. Eventually, it seeped through and no matter what I did, I could not get it off. It annoyed me to no end! I got fed up with looking at the black grout while taking baths so I decided to yank them all out and regrout it myself. I can be quite handy if I need to be. Unfortunately, my hands don't like me right now. If my hands and fingers were looking just a tenny tiny bit feminine, they don't anymore. I've got cuts on my fingers from the razor blade I was using. I guess they'll heal. But I got good news - I didn't break any nails. Like you care, right? After all that, I watched a movie.

Yes, two movies in two nights. I have Netflix - awsome, right!? I love movies, only I hate watching them alone. I need a movie buddy. But no worries. My movie buddy will be back in Houston soon, yipee!

Today, I took it easy. I kind of had to. My fingers are sore and my son's still sick. I went grocery shopping, went to the post office to mail something out to a friend, and went down to the apartment office to whine about the shape my apartment's in. I love my apartment - but there's some stuff that's messed up because of my pets or my kids. So, I'm having the screens replaced, a blind replaced, carpet repaired and a wood panel in the kitchen repaired. Yipee! I wanted to watch a movie but ran out of Netflix movies. So I took a bath. I won't have any new movies until Friday. :(

What's next on my agenda? I plan on cleaning out all the closets, my bedroom, kids' bedroom and both bathrooms. I'm gonna be tossing junk, donating stuff and fixing some stuff (a shelf in my kids' closet has been broken for 2 years now. It's actually being propped up on one end with a stack of books right now ... one way or another, I'm gonna fix it).

Tomorrow - I'm thinking I'll take my son to the doctor. Then I have to work. Maybe I'll clean some more. We'll see. But I definitely know what I'm doing tomorrow night at 9pm. I'm going to watch Lost. Blonde moment incoming: I, like, totally LOVE that show! *Giggle*

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