Thursday, July 30, 2009

10 Things I Hate About Texting

I'm back at home tonight, but I'm not sticking around for long. It wasn't in my plans to return home tonight, but I've come down with a small cold. I've got the chills, fever, cold, gas, and a horrible pit in my stomach. The pit has nothing to do with my cold. The past couple days was nice, but being back at home has caused me to come crashing back to reality. Reality that is my life and reality of what is going on around me, my friends, my job hunting and everything else.

I was supposed to come home yesterday to do errands, wash clothes, pack (and re-pack) for the next few days, but I was tempted into playing another game of Cashflow. When we were done, I planned to head on out but the friends I was staying with convinced me to stay another night because it wasn't "safe" and pretty late. Soooo, I stayed another night. THEN we played the game AGAIN ... TWICE.... today. Whew. I didn't get home until recently so I have lots to do tonight. I almost didn't come home, BUT the cold hit me and hit me hard. Now I'm not sure if I should even go out of town now.

Anyway, the past couple days, I've been texting and been texted-to like crazy. I've talked to more people than normal (and I'm still wondering how that happened!? Although I'm hearing from lots of random people, I'm not hearing from my closest friends at all. This makes me really sad). This also brings me to more "text" conversations. What I mean by "text" conversations are shortcuts that the electronic world considers actual words. And I've come to be annoyed by them. Very Annoyed.

For instance, why do people say kewl instead of cool? Both takes 4 thumb-strokes. It's NOT a shortcut - just a stupid word to make you sound "cool." How about "aiight"? That isn't a shortcut either, no matter how you slice it. It saves you one thumb-pressing and gives me a whole lot of "nails scratching on the blackboard" feeling. Just say "ok". Just do it. It means the same, trust me.

When driving, I'm all for using shortcuts to make words shorter and I even talk in ASL with a friend of mine sometimes - just to use less words. It's a luxury when you're trying to fight traffic and carry on a conversation at the same time. Times like these I wish I was hearing. Oh well.

Next time you're texting and feeling lazy (or busy), go ahead and use shortcuts... but make sure they're actual words instead of slang that's all the rage now. Trust me, in a year or two, you'll feel stupid over the fact you even said these words.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

All of a Sudden...

It's been 8 days since I've last contributed to the blogosphere. I've been out and about lately. It's funny how the whole summer I've had almost nothing to do and yes, I complained about it to whoever would listen, that I've got hundreds of things to do now. It's not that I was looking for a pity party but just a venue to vent my frustrations out. My problem isn't lack of interest in things - God knows I'm interested in LOTS of things. My problem is being alone. I hate hate HATE being alone. How do I cure that? No clue.

Now that summer's almost over, I'm finding myself with lots of things to do. Last week, I was pretty concerned about finding things to keep myself busy (and not being alone). The one and only person that I spend most of my time with was going out of town so I was feeling a bit lost and wondering how I would ever pass the time. Even though I never said anything, it seems that my concerns were heard by many. All of a sudden, I've had people contacting me left and right - inviting me over to their homes, spending the night, going out to dinner, etc, etc. My head was spinning trying to fit everybody in.

Now I know how J feels. Trying to accommodate everybody and everything and still try to do what I want. I haven't slept in my own bed in a while. I can't remember the last time I ever slept someplace else. It was probably a few months ago and it was at a hotel. It seems that every time I go out and sleep someplace other than home - it was at a hotel. Now I am finally sleeping over at other people's houses. It's weird. Lately, I have come to hate my apartment. The walls were starting to close in on me. But now, I'd be grateful to be back in my own bed.

The way my plans are going right now - I won't be back in my own bed until Sunday night at the earliest. I THINK I'll be home after that, but a friend's trying to convince me to go up and visit him for a couple days. So that means maybe I won't be back in my bed until the 6th or so. Oy veh!

I can't complain. Right? I'm not complaining now, but I do have one little wish. I wish that everything would balance itself out to where I'd be going out plenty and still be at home at times. It'd be nice to do that instead of being at home for 2 straight months then going out for 3 straight weeks.

Anyway, I better get going here. There's 6 of us here sharing one computer and I think I've used up my time. I'll be back in a few days, hopefully, armed with pictures from the camping trip and much more interesting things to say.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Don't Be Shy!

I'm usually messing around with my blog, looking for ways to improve it. When I say improve, I mean messing with the background once in a while, changing the layout, and adding gadgets. Tonight, I found a nifty gadget that I've added to my sidebar. It's a chatbox!

This allows all my faithful readers to give a little shout out (although, that's what the comment boxes are for, right?) and to let me know you're reading my blogs. Think of it as a mini-forum or a central point for all my readers to interact with one another.

I don't know how many different readers I have, but I get at least 5-10 hits a day. Maybe it's just one or two people checking back so often, lol.

So, if you're a fan and you've been reading, drop me a note and let me know you're around! Don't be shy!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Storm's Brewing

I was watching a special made-for-TV movie on the Disney channel with my daughter. My son was on my computer playing, for what it seemed to be the 100th time, a virtual reality Pony game. He is nuts about horses and I happened to find one where you could take care of a horse, feed it, give it water, groom it, take it for walks (it pees) and you can even race it. Logan LOVES the game. It's so kid-friendly that even he figured out how to navigate the game without my help.

Anyway, during a commercial, I glanced around the apartment for several things. I like to make sure that my dog, kids and my phone are ok. Yes, I check my phone to see whether the light's blinking green or blue. It's been green all day. Boo. :(

While I was glancing around the apartment, I noticed a very pink hue streaming through my windows. Curious, I looked out the window and was amazed by what I saw. Even though I'm not a fan of pink, what I saw was beautiful. I ran outside with my camera and attempted to take some photos. I'm not particularly savvy with a camera (but would like to gain photography skills) but I'm proud of what I've done. These photos have not been altered in any way.

Looking back at what I saw and at these photos, I got (and still get) an eerie feeling that a storm was/is brewing. The wind picked up somewhat while I was outside so that made it all the more spooky. The weather today certainly has fit my mood.

When I woke up, the sky was sunny and clouds were very fluffy and white. A short while later, it became dark and moody. It brightened up again only to become dark again. I thought this was an interesting end to an interesting weather today.

I hope you enjoy the photos - and let me know what you think!

This is my first picture right after stepping out of my apartment. The pink is barely there but it was noticeable.

While the front was pink, the back was purely white, grey and blue. I thought it was interesting how the sky could look so different just by walking to the back of my building.

This is the other side of the sky that's behind my building. Darker and more clouds.
After taking photos of the sky behind my apartment, I decided to go back to the front to see how the pink sky was doing. It had become much darker and a lot more pink in just a short amount of time. This is exactly what the sky looked like.
Another point of view of the sky in front of my building. Isn't it amazing?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Deciding What's Important

I actually started this post two days ago... having the kids around after being gone for 5 weeks is hectic. I spend all day trying to entertain them. When I'm not entertaining them, they are kind enough to inform me by sticking by my side everywhere I go. They have even formed a habit of following me into the bathroom. How annoying is that!? By the time they are in bed, I am at the point of where I just want to sit on the couch and do nothing. I spend most of my evenings watching TV and movies now - because there's no way I can do that during the day. Thank God for DVR.

The kids are gone for the evening. I have an early morning and didn't want to make it any earlier than it is so I decided to drop them off at the baby sitter's tonight. Even though my hands are aching (I messed them up a few years ago by typing TONS of papers for my BA degree, and when I spend a tad bit too much on the computer nowadays, my hands let me know), I'm going to use this downtime to finally write.

I've been thinking about the last 7 years of my life lately... pretty much since my daughter was born. I became a mother fresh out of high school, but that never stopped me from going to school. I was determined to prove everyone wrong when they said I wouldn't make it. I vowed to never become a statistic. The last 7 years of my life was pretty much being a student and a full-time mom/wife. I have worked a total of 6 jobs in my entire life. Only one of them was full-time and that only lasted for 2 months before I was laid off. All other jobs were either short-term or only required me to do data entry a few hours a month. That's hardly a job.

Now that schooling is over, there is no job at the moment and I've downgraded from full-time mom/wife to just a full-time mom (working overtime) - I've thought about what I should be considering. Job hunting has taken a toll on me. I submitted TONS of applications when I completed my BA degree and received my TX certificate. There's only about 1,000 paralegals in the state of Texas that hold a certificate - and I'm one of them. That oughta land me a job, right? Soon enough, I found out that having a BA and a certificate means nothing if you don't have experience. But - that's a whole 'nother story. I allowed myself to feel down for a while, picked myself back up and went back to school to get a teaching degree. Surely, I'll have an easier time finding a job then, right?

I've looked for various part-time jobs over the last few years, but never seriously pursued anything for lack of interest and motivation. I had a means to pay my bills so why drain myself? So... school's over so it's time to get a job.

When I look at the last 7 years of my life, I spent a lot of it just playing around. I was at home all the time, played lots of computer games and watched TV (in between running errands, taking care of kids, and cleaning house). I suppose I could continue this way of life - but frankly, I've had enough. It's time for me to work and to contribute to society.

I've sent in applications to at least 5 school districts around Houston. I've had two job interviews. I didn't get the first job and a decision hasn't been made yet at the 2nd district.... I've started to wonder now - maybe I should look elsewhere.

Moving to another city/state is scary. Many times, I have told myself and many others that I would never leave Houston. It's my home - always has been and always will be. If things didn't work out here, I'd just be moving in with some other people and living a different (that means poor) life. Anything just to stay in Houston.

However, I've recently started to think.... I need my sanity and I need to feel that I'm worth something. That means I need to work. Does that mean I will have to move? Only time will tell.....

Friday, July 10, 2009

A whole lotta effort

The other day, I had a brilliant idea. Why not revamp my blog again? This time - from scratch. AND create two new blogs... one for my daughter and one for my son. I decided that general things about myself, what I'm thinking and what I'm mad about will stay on my blog. What my kids have been up to (and their photos) will go on their blogs. Fun, huh?

I decided to start with banners. I found some backgrounds I liked and customized them. Took me a few hours of fighting with a program that is NOT user-friendly (VERY much like PhotoShop). I finally did it. I have their blogs up!

Today, I decided to do another project - completely changing my background and customizing a banner. I found a nifty background that I loved but it was WAY too narrow in the center. I decided to do a lot of cut and pasting and widened the borders. So far, so good. This also took me a couple hours of teaching myself HTML through a lot of trial and error. But - I did it. At least I'm coming away from this project with some knowledge. I certainly feel smarter now that I can manipulate stuff on my website (mostly related to column sizes, but hey, it's something!)

I also created a banner (this is what you see at the top of this blog right now) using a photo editing software. I'm lovin' it! BUT there are some kinks that I'm NOT happy with so I decided to totally REMOVE it all and put my original format back on. Ugh! Hours and Hours of work and nothing to show for. Oh well.

In the meantime, I've posted RSS feeds up on the side to my new blogs. If and when I post anything on either one of their blogs, you'll see it here. How cool is that?

I'm off - to write a blog about my son. Check back soon!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Change of Heart

I've had a change of heart.  I blame the media.

Today, I plopped down on my couch - it was early, but I was already exhausted - to get my soap opera fix for the day, but my soap operas didn't come on.  Why was I exhausted?  One word:  kids.  My kids came home yesterday after staying with their father for 5 weeks.  I was looking forward to them coming home.  Was being the key word, lol.  I adore my kids and I MISSED them terribly but I didn't miss their antics!

I met Jeff halfway at about 12:30.  He had to pull over to clean up a HUGE mess that Becki made in his truck so they were late.  Better his truck than my car!  We ate at Subway and hung out for an hour.  On the way home, Becki and I chatted with her in the backseat and with me looking in the rearview mirror.  Logan was incredibly happy to be back with his mommy, so he kept giggling and pointing his cute stubby little finger (and thumb) at me.  If you know his "trademark" pointing, you'd know what I'm talking about.  We headed straight to my parents so that the whole family could visit with each other.  We had dinner there, hung out for a couple hours afterwards and got home late.  Ava was THRILLED to see her cousins and begged & begged to come home with us.  I had an interview this morning, but against my better judgment (and too soft of a heart), I let her come home with us.  We all stayed up and played until 1am.  At about 3am, all three kids came marching into my room and climbed into bed with me.  Thank goodness I have a king-sized bed.  Perfect for occasions like this.

We all woke up pretty tired and groggy.  Getting three kids ready to go is much harder than two.  What's worse - it was pouring outside!  I dropped the terrible trio at church so my mom could watch them while I went to my interview.  After the interview, I went back to church and picked up my kids.  Ava tearfully begged to come again so I let her.  Mom promised to pick Ava up at Noon when she was done teaching.  That's a whole 'nother story (Ava ended up staying all day... I am EXHAUSTED!)

ANYWAY, back to the point of this blog.  After my interview and hauling the three musketeers around, I sat down ready to watch my soap operas.  The line-up was different and sure enough, an hour later, they started airing Michael Jackson's funeral live.  Since I had the TV on and figured all major networks would be airing it, AND out of curiosity, I decided to watch it.

One word to sum it all up:  Wow.

I started out watching the funeral with such indifference.  He was somebody I didn't personally know and never really liked.  I liked the music but not so much the person.  One by one, lots of people came up on the stage to give a speech.  They shared memories and feelings.  Others came up and sang songs - some that Michael wrote/performed and some that were fitting for the funeral.  My daughter knew that MJ died.  Last night, she asked me to show her why people were so crazy about him, so I showed her some of his classic music videos - the ones that made him famous.  She was in awe.  She was a fan - but only because of one song.... "Will You Be There," the song to the Free Willy movie.  She was clueless to everything that's been going on with him.

Anyway, midway through the funeral, that song came on.  My son looked up at me - mouth open and eyes wide - and said "WILLY!"  My daughter was at the computer at the time - she came over to the TV and said "they're singing the Willy song."  Then, she asked me why.  I explained that it was a tribute to him.  She actually looked sad, watched until the song was over then walked away.

I sat in front of the TV for almost two hours watching people cry, laugh and share heartfelt and personal stories about who Michael was.  How giving he was.  How he was a child forced to grow up too soon.  They showed video montages of him when he was a little boy singing with his brothers, then later taking the stage on his own and catapulting into stardom.

At that moment, I realized... I didn't like him because of what I saw on TV, in newspapers/magazines and on the Internet.  Because of what the media showed.  There are MANY of us that never knew the real Michael - the Michael behind closed doors.  Maybe he was a molester - but maybe not.  That was never proven.

Although I always thought he was so weird, I started to see that he had a whole different life when there weren't cameras in his face.  These people that spoke proved that.  They portrayed him in a way that many of us never knew because these things were so personal.

Reverend Al Sharpton looked down at Michael's 3 kids (who sat front row next to Michael's mother, 5 brothers and 2 sisters) and said "There was nothing strange about your daddy, what's strange is what your daddy had to deal with."

At the very end, MJ's family took the stage.  Earlier, his brother Jermaine sang MJ's favorite song and broke down into tears.  He was still crying.  It was Marlon's (one of the original Jackson 5) turn to say something.  When Marlon was done, the family turned to leave but MJ's daughter said something to Janet, so they stopped and lowered the microphone for her.  MJ's daughter started out trying to say a few things but broke down into tears and said "I love him so much."  My heart broke for her and yes, I shed a tear.  No child should experience the loss of a parent at such a young age, regardless of who the child or the parent is/was.

Even though MJ wasn't my cup of tea, he was a person and there are lots of people that are grieving for him - his family, children, and close friends.  Out of respect, I unpublished the joke I recently put up and my last post about him.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Captioning in Movies

If you're like me, you probably check websites every now and then to see if any good movies are showing in theatres with captioning. While messing around and doing some research on how open captions work, I found a website that allows RSS feeds on movies playing. I figured this would be an excellent way to check for updated information without having to check multiple websites.

This also saves me (and you) the hassle of checking back frequently to see if it's been updated. I remember waiting two days to check the website for updated information and finding out that I was 2 hours too late for a movie that I REALLY wanted to watch. That sucked.

I've put in an RSS feed over in the right column on this website for myself and any others who would like easy access to ALL movies playing in ALL theatres - regardless of whether it's OC or RW. Before today, I had to check three separate websites to get the information, so hopefully it'll save my finger from excessive mouse-clicking.
