Thursday, July 30, 2009

10 Things I Hate About Texting

I'm back at home tonight, but I'm not sticking around for long. It wasn't in my plans to return home tonight, but I've come down with a small cold. I've got the chills, fever, cold, gas, and a horrible pit in my stomach. The pit has nothing to do with my cold. The past couple days was nice, but being back at home has caused me to come crashing back to reality. Reality that is my life and reality of what is going on around me, my friends, my job hunting and everything else.

I was supposed to come home yesterday to do errands, wash clothes, pack (and re-pack) for the next few days, but I was tempted into playing another game of Cashflow. When we were done, I planned to head on out but the friends I was staying with convinced me to stay another night because it wasn't "safe" and pretty late. Soooo, I stayed another night. THEN we played the game AGAIN ... TWICE.... today. Whew. I didn't get home until recently so I have lots to do tonight. I almost didn't come home, BUT the cold hit me and hit me hard. Now I'm not sure if I should even go out of town now.

Anyway, the past couple days, I've been texting and been texted-to like crazy. I've talked to more people than normal (and I'm still wondering how that happened!? Although I'm hearing from lots of random people, I'm not hearing from my closest friends at all. This makes me really sad). This also brings me to more "text" conversations. What I mean by "text" conversations are shortcuts that the electronic world considers actual words. And I've come to be annoyed by them. Very Annoyed.

For instance, why do people say kewl instead of cool? Both takes 4 thumb-strokes. It's NOT a shortcut - just a stupid word to make you sound "cool." How about "aiight"? That isn't a shortcut either, no matter how you slice it. It saves you one thumb-pressing and gives me a whole lot of "nails scratching on the blackboard" feeling. Just say "ok". Just do it. It means the same, trust me.

When driving, I'm all for using shortcuts to make words shorter and I even talk in ASL with a friend of mine sometimes - just to use less words. It's a luxury when you're trying to fight traffic and carry on a conversation at the same time. Times like these I wish I was hearing. Oh well.

Next time you're texting and feeling lazy (or busy), go ahead and use shortcuts... but make sure they're actual words instead of slang that's all the rage now. Trust me, in a year or two, you'll feel stupid over the fact you even said these words.

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