Monday, April 21, 2008

Who Cares?!

Reality Shows. They're popular... they must be. They're everywhere. In these shows, people date, lose weight, travel all over the world, and eat/do scary things. They have one thing in common: they're all competing for something, most likely money.

Once upon a time, I loved watching these reality shows. I was a fan. I didn't watch all of them though, but I still watched a lot. I watched them more than I watched sitcoms. There's only one reality show that I watched to the end: Fear Factor. If they brought it back, I'd watch it again. Currently, I watch the Biggest Loser (when it's on) - but that's about it.

Back in the beginning, I shamefully loved "The Bachelor". I was a dedicated viewer. I watched the first and second seasons with a passion. I was furious when Alex didn't pick Trista and I jumped with glee when that blonde what's-his-name picked Helene. Over the seasons, I lost interest. Why? Because these relationships don't last and ultimately, these guys are losers. They got the body, the look and the charm but please, they got nothing else.

When Trista was picked to be the first Bachelorette, I was so happy. Mostly because I wanted her to stick it to Alex. She was a woman scorned and shoot, she deserved a happy ending. I became a dedicated viewer again. I watched Trista and Ryan's wedding too. Finally, a happy ending. I never watched a single episode again.. until a few weeks ago.

I was flipping the channels, bored, looking for some kind of entertainment. I happened to catch what it seemed to be the 2nd episode of the newest and current Bachelor season. This dude's from London. Apparently he's a dud over there since he had to come to America to find a wife. Don't they hate Americans? Maybe it's just the French people.

(Vent On)
Anyway, my point is... enough! This is the 12th (yes, count the losers, 12!) season. This doesn't include the two Bachelorettes. How many of these men stayed with the women they picked on the show? ZERO! 0 for 11 so far. Sad.

On this particular episode (remember, this is the 2nd episode or so), the women are already fawning over this guy. They just met him! Claws were out and the women hissed. They all believed that they were the perfect woman for him. Some of them professed that they'd move to London for him right there and then. And when they got kicked off, they cried like they lost a serious boyfriend (and don't forget money - most of the bachelors are loaded).

I could never go on that show. First, no way I'd want to share my man with other women. That's just unnatural. Second, they stick you in a huge fancy mansion and whisk you away on exotic trips while you get to know the guy. While that's nice, it isn't reality at all. And third, they give the guy a couple months to decide who he wants to propose to after being faced with 25 options.

There's only one thing that bothers me so much. The bachelor ALWAYS has a tough time deciding who to kick off the show. I mean - if he really loved a girl and all, he'd know. He'd be able to kick all them girls off in a heartbeat and be able to truthfully tell the girl "I knew it was you all along." It's SO lame when a guy proposes and says that he knows she's the girl. If he knew, why was he debating kicking her off some 5 weeks ago?
(Vent Off)

While I think it's funny to watch these girls tear each other's hair out, I'm getting sick of it. I truly hope that this is the last Bachelor. Enough is enough.


ciscobird said...

So true! You know what? Now they are coming out with "Actuality" shows now that people are catching onto the work behind "Reality" shows. I have always known that they (producers) usually manipulate the outcome.

Anonymous said...

Yup! That's it! I AGREE!! Thank u, WHO caReS!!!!
=) MM