Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Another Pet Peeve

Today, I decided that I'm going to whine. It's not that I'm in a bad mood, I'm feeling OK now because I had a good last few days. I'm going to whine because I'm getting fed up. It's nothing new... We have all dealt with this type of person at least a few times in our lives so far. Most times I can easily put it aside, ignore the irritation, bite my tongue and smile to prevent myself from being rude to this person. But - after having to put up with an abnormal amount of this recently, I wanna vent.

So what's bugging me? To put it bluntly - people who go off on talking about themselves 24/7. These people think that they're the most important living thing on this planet. They think that they're so fascinating, they have to share every little detail about their life - both flattering AND unflattering. They'll share private information about their lives or children or other people with strangers just so that they can talk about their self-absorbed, self-centered and conceited selves.

I'm talking about the people who's always saying "me" or "I" in every sentence. I'm talking about the people who gets so angry that another party was planned (by coincidence) on the same day as THEIR party. Oh, God forbid that several people may choose to attend another party besides theirs. To me, that just shows the insecurities that this person has - afraid that their popularity depends on how many people shows up at their party. Here's news to you: if people show up at your party because there isn't anything else for them to do - that doesn't exactly mean you're popular, that just means they're using your party as an excuse to get out of the house.

I'm also talking about people who brags about stupid things like "I've been to jail 5 times!" or "I'm smooth, I can get drugs - I have connections" OR... how about this - "Yeah, I'm all that, I can get girls in bed like it's nothing." Like any of these things are flattering and impressive.

Also, I hate people who interrupts you mid-sentence when you're talking about yourself, your accomplishments or something that happened to you (which is rare) and they go "OH, me too!" and then proceed to talk for 20 minutes straight about themselves with no regard to you. When you finally manage to divert the topic or get a word in, they'll interrupt you again to start another 20-minute speech about themselves again.

Don't get me wrong. There's a very thick line between sharing about your feelings, your problems and your concerns to someone who's willing to listen and be there for you and just bragging about yourself just to hear yourself talk. Also, there's another thick line between bragging too much and simply telling people about your accomplishments that you're proud of. If I have to explain where the lines are, then maybe you shouldn't waste your time reading my blogs.

After watching the Autopsy Files, I was discussing with a friend how there are some people out there who are willing to hurt themselves or their children for attention and sympathy. That discussion made quite a few memories come flooding back. Boy, am I a little too familiar with people like that. Another thing that really bugs me is that these type of people only contacts you or shows up to events when they're looking to get something out of it personally. Sure, when we all hang out with friends or go to an event, we all expect to get something out of it. Fun, social interaction, stuff like that - right? Not these people. They're looking to milk all the attention and sympathy they can get by complaining about their hardships to anyone who will listen. These type of people will only contact you when they want something or need help - they don't contact you to simply just to hang out and enjoy each other's company. That disgusts me.

Well, this is the end of my whining...for now. Thanks for listening! Disclaimer: This blog isn't directed at anyone specifically. This is just general venting. But for those of you who think you may be someone I'm complaining about - I hope you learned something new. Tune in later for a more happier and cheerful blog (hopefully).

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