Friday, May 16, 2008

Happy Friday

So... today's another Friday. I generally like Fridays. It means I get to see my friends - but not always. Nonetheless, I like Fridays still. I get to forget about the week and look forward to the weekend and figure out what's going to happen the following week. This week was starting out to be an ok week... then recently, it turned into a not-so-ok week. Details not included, sorry. But I'm hoping to turn all this around by having a good weekend. I still don't know what I'm doing... I don't even know if I'm doing anything at all, which would suck. So... we'll see.

On a happier note, I stumbled across another blog the other day. Well, it's a blog with a bunch of blogs on it, if that makes sense. I decided to check out one of the links - it was a writer's blog (blog for writers with tips, ideas, etc) and found something neat that I want to try and do every week.

This blog puts up writing ideas everyday. I've backtracked through it and thought "that's something I could do" but never feel motivated to write about them. Why? Probably because it isn't coming from the heart. It would be like high school English where the teacher tells you "you have to write about this" and we just BS our way through to get an A. How easy it was to get an A back then. It still is. In a way, I'm glad I was able to BS my way through a paper and get an A, but at the same time I'm disappointed. English teachers are supposed to motivate us to read books and write. And through writing, we're supposed to genuinely express ourselves and improve our writing skills. Instead, they just take whatever you throw at them. Why? I guess I'll never know. I'd like to have a chance and sit down with an English teacher and bluntly ask her why they (English teachers in general) go so easy on our papers. Do English teachers really see through our BS and simply ignore it, or are they just that stupid? But that's for another day....

So... this Friday blog thing. It's called Friday Feast. Supposedly, it's a blog created by a chef who's also a writer. So this "feast" is a series of questions to be answered each week. Why is it called "Friday Feast"? Look ahead - you'll figure it out. I figure that even though it's just answering random questions each week, I'm going to give my most honest and uncensored responses. I guess it's like therapy - free therapy. And you get to know more about me. Here's my first attempt:

AppetizerWhat is the nearest big city to your home?That really depends on what you describe as a big city. Is Austin a big city? Probably not. It's got lots of people and it's definitely weird though. I'd have to say Dallas, which is about 4 hours away. I guess Houston is surrounded by a bunch of small cities/towns. Victoria, Austin, Waco, Beaumont....besides, Houston wouldn't want another big city near us. We want all the attention.

Soup On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how well do you keep secrets?Funny I came across this question. I've been dealing with secrets a lot lately now. I genuinely think of myself as a trustworthy person. I'm capable of keeping my friends' secrets. And boy, do I have many to keep. But when it comes to my own secrets, there's usually a person in my life that I'll just blab about anything. Of course, I don't just blab - I make sure I can trust this person first. That's smart. I think everyone should have at least one person they can tell everything to - get everything off their chests so they don't accidentally tell the wrong person, if you know what I mean. So - with my friends' secrets, I'd give myself a 9 3/4. Once in a rare while (yes, I admit it), I'd accidentally blab something to someone else - but trust me - they aren't huge secrets. It's something like "B's not gay." Oops! Sorry B! My reasoning is - if I want people to keep my secrets, I should at least have the decency to keep theirs. It's not my business to go around telling people stuff anyways.

Describe your hair (color, texture, length).

My hair? Uh, ok. My hair - it's pretty! I'm naturally light brownish but recently gave it a blonde boost. Yeah, I got a thing for blondes, along with redheads, shh! If I thought I could pass off a reddish color, I'd give it a shot. It's long (almost to my waist), straight and a pain to take care of. But I love it. I usually have more good hair days than bad hair days. That's good, right? Or maybe I just really don't know the difference. Because it's long, it can get tangled and messy easily. That's a pain. My only wish is that I had more volume. And sometimes I wish my hair was a little curly. I'd try to curl my hair with a curling iron - and it looks so cute. I love it. But with the weight of my hair and the stupid humidity in Houston, my hair falls flat within an hour. That really sucks.

Main CourseWhat kind of driver are you? Courteous? Aggressive? Slow?I'm a speed demon - I love speed. From the time I was 15 up until about 19, I'd speed all over. And I never got caught.... until one month, I got two tickets in a week. Yeah, in a week. Scary. If you add another ticket before that, make it 3 tickets in a month. I learned my lesson. I stopped speeding as much. Well, not really, shh. I was just more cautious and aware of my surroundings. After I had my daughter, I started driving a lot more sensibly. And especially with gas prices now, I've been trying (and failing) to keep my foot off the gas so much to conserve gas. I'm proud to say that I have never been pulled over by a cop in the last 7 years. Yes! 7 years! Count 'em. And yes, I still speed :) BUT I like to think I'm safe at the same time. If that's even possible.

DessertWhen was the last time you had a really bad week?Whew. I've had quite a few of those lately for various reasons. So basically, I've had a bad week a lot lately. With one chapter of my life over, I'm ready to move on and hopefully, I will have more good weeks than bad weeks now. We'll see. Summer's coming up and I have a few plans. I'm determined to stay positive, have fun and make this a really good summer. Of course, I'm expecting help from my friends to make this summer a good one by staying busy.

So, there you have it. My first attempt at answering 5 random questions with complete honesty. I hope to continue to do this - and I just really hope I don't come across questions I don't want to answer! If that happens, I'll just skip it. Yeah, I'm sure you'd skip them too.

Well, you guys have a good weekend doing whatever you have planned. Hopefully, I'll come back on Monday with news that I had a good weekend.

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