Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Boys will be boys

The past couple of days has treated me well. I was kept busy throughout the entire weekend and had a quiet evening yesterday (after the kids went to bed, of course). I watched a bunch of movies on Friday, hung out with friends at my pool party on Saturday, went to a picnic and played water games on Sunday, watched more movies and hung out with friends again on Monday (and ate DELICIOUS ribs!!!), and finally, Tuesday - my daughter was due back in school which meant a day of cleaning and working for me, ugh.

After getting dishes cleaned up and laundry started last night, I sat and watched a couple hours of TV. I read a few chapters in a book and went to bed early. Today, I have a bit to do still. I have to go grocery shopping... yeah, fun. I need to clean a little more, work and then take my daughter to her play. She's performing in her very first play tonight as the Queen in the story "Princess and the Pea." She's VERY excited.

But... enough about what I have to do today - that's boring. Guess what happened to me this morning? I got locked out! By who? My own son and he's 2! I was taking the dog out for his morning pee and left my son in the apartment to watch Tom and Jerry - just as I have done many times in the past. What could happen, right? I know, I know - millions could happen in just 5 minutes with a 2-year old. But he hasn't done anything totally horrible yet so I figured it was ok.

I went back upstairs and I found the door locked. I thought, "OH No!" I knocked on the door and called out to him, asking him to please open the door. All he did was knock back. Whenever I knocked; he knocked. Yes, ha ha. You can laugh. After a few minutes of waiting, I determined that yes, he figured out how to lock the door but he hasn't figured out to UNlock it.

So.... I ran downstairs and saw the head maintenance guy - he happened to be near my building so I grabbed him and asked him to please come unlock my door. I had to mentally prepare myself for what I might find when the door was opened. Thankfully, the apartment wasn't in total chaos. My son was standing in the middle of the living room (with the TV off - wonder why he turned it off), not crying but whining a little, and coloring himself with black permanent marker.

I guess that's his way of punishing me. "Mommy went and left me all alone so I'm locking her out and then making a mess of myself so she'd have more work to do when she got back in."

Well, the black marker is off - baby wipes are helpful at times. He's sitting quietly watching Tom and Jerry again. All's well, right? Not necessarily. It isn't even noon yet and I haven't showered and done any of my errands yet. Let's see what other mishaps I come across today.

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