Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Most Awesomest Show (and the lamest blog title) Ever!

It's no wonder that Lost was the most viewed show on Thursday night. It pulled in over 12 million viewers for its finale. If you watched it like I did, you'd understand why. The special 2-hour finale was action-packed, seriously. It moved at a fairly faster pace than usual and I have no complaints about that. A fast-paced episode meant more content.

For weeks, I had been looking forward to this major finale. TV review articles on Yahoo and other websites kept promising that many questions would be answered and that we'd finally have some kind of solution to long-standing issues that we had been wondering about for more than 1 season - like, how did the Oceanic 6 make it off the island? Why was it just the 6 of them when more of them wanted to get off?

I particularly liked this season. They didn't kill off too many characters and introduced a bunch of new people. The new people aren't my favorite but I guess they add some kind of spice to the plot. Knowing "Lost," these new characters aren't just fillers - I'm positive that there's something a lot deeper. Maybe I'm wrong. But if I'm right, who knows when we'll find out?

If there has ever been a show that has been exceptionally talented at keeping secrets, it's this one. Spoilers are far and few in between. It's impossible to get any real information or spoilers for the season or for upcoming episodes. If you wanna know what happens, you just have to watch. In a way, I really like that - but the way that "Lost" is going, we'll probably have to wait another 2 seasons to finally get answers to questions that arose during THIS season.

As I mentioned above, for weeks I had seen articles talking about how this season's finale would give us some insight and clear answers to several things that we've been wondering about for weeks. So I sat down on the couch, flipped on ABC and watched eagerly with anticipation to what would have been one of the best episodes ever. Don't get me wrong - I loved the episode. I was captivated. But I was disappointed as well.

The finale brought on MORE questions than answers and I still didn't get the answers I wanted. What happened to Claire? Did she die? In a previous episode, we saw her following her father (who's dead) into the forest. Was he collecting Claire's soul? Or was he a figment of her imagination?

One thing that I absolutely loved finding out this season was that Jack and Claire are in fact, half-brother and sister. That explains everything now. It explains why Jack has a hard time getting close to Aaron. It explains why he was struggling with the fact that Kate was raising him as her son.

I do have to applaud one thing. I was shocked by the ending - but disappointed as well. It was creative (and expected) the way that they kept us on the edge of our seats in the very last scene with Ben and Jack. They stood by the coffin and spoke for a while without giving us any clues who it was. It was one of the longest few minutes I've ever experienced while watching TV. Finally, we saw who was dead. My first question is - why? Why him? Why did he commit suicide? I was expecting to see someone else. I was pretty sad because I liked him. But his death raises a lot more questions. What happened on the island after the Oceanic 6 left? What happened that made it so bad that he couldn't live anymore?

This brings me to my last few questions. Where's the island now? It disappeared - which explains why the Oceanic 6 headed back to civilization. Why was Ben crying when he moved the island? He said that once he moved it, he couldn't go back. Why? I'm noticing a pattern here.... "why?" I'm always asking "why?" when I watch the show.

Sadly, this is the end of Lost, for now - until January 2009. People - if you're ever gonna start watching Lost, do it now. Go out and rent all the season DVDs and catch yourself up. You won't regret it.

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