Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday's Feast

Another Friday has arrived... I haven't written as much this week because I've been occupied with other things. And frankly, I guess I'm running out of intelligent things to say. I haven't exactly done much this past week. All I've done is work and watch movies - tons of movies. I'm getting a bit sick of movies for now. I'm itching to get out of the apartment and do stuff. Not errand stuff but fun stuff.

Tonight, I have two things I could do - go out to someone's surprise b-day party or head out to a Ladies' Nite Out thing. I haven't found a babysitter (I haven't exactly looked either) so I guess it's Ladies' Nite Out for me - with kids in tow. The surprise bash isn't exactly kid-friendly. I have no idea what I'm doing tomorrow or in the next few days, actually. Probably a whole bunch of nothing again.

School's out! As much as I love them, I'm itching to get rid of my kids. They'll be gone in a few days to spend time with family in Dallas so it'll be a few weeks of fun for me, hopefully. Or at least I'd have the flexibility to just up and leave if friends ever wanna get together or travel (hint hint)...

What was your favorite cartoon when you were a child?
I didn't really have a "favorite" because I watched so many and loved them all. Among the cartoons I watched are: Tom & Jerry, Chip N' Dale, Duck Tales, TaleSpin, Darkwing Duck, My Little Pony (yes, I watched that), Care Bears, and Looney Tunes (Bugs Bunny, Tweety, etc).

Pretend you are about to get a new pet. Which animal would you pick, and what would you name it?
This is a hard question. First, I love dogs and I love so many different kinds so I wouldn't be able to narrow down what I'd want. Another daschund, a golden retriever, husky, or chocolate labrador are among my top choices. But honestly, just take me to the nearest pound. I'd just be as happy to adopt a lonely mutt and save it from death than to get a "name brand" puppy. I think I will probably be doing that for the rest of my life if I keep getting new pets. As for names - I have no clue. I have a hard enough time coming up with names for my characters in games. But I promise you, I wouldn't ever give my animals any generic names such as Spot or Sparky. No human names either - that's just weird.

I don't have anything against cats. I have two of my own. Look at my blog - it's filled with pictures of kittens. I LOVE dogs but strangely enough, I think pictures of kittens are way cuter than pictures of puppies.

I'm open to getting new cats but I haven't had the best of luck with cats so far so I think I'd just settle for puppies. They're more fun anyways, but a lot more work - which sucks.

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you enjoy getting all dressed up for a special occasion?
Honestly, I'd say a 3 or 4. Dressing up is a hassle. I envy guys. Slip into a nice shirt, slacks, shoes, run a brush through their hair a couple times and they're done. What can go wrong? I consider myself very low maintenance. I'm comfortable enough with myself to slip into a dress or something nice, brush my hair until it's smooth and then head out the door. None of that girly hassle. Maybe I'll look even cuter and maybe guys like it better but I think it's a waste of time and money. I'm not looking to impress anybody so why bother? I never had any problems getting attention anyway so obviously, I don't look too horrible. Maybe if I was looking to impress a certain guy, I might take the extra step and fix my hair up and slip into something a little sexier than usual. But that's pretty much it.

Main Course
What kind of music do you listen to while you drive?
I don't listen to music much but when I do, it's usually country.

When was the last time you bought a clock? And in which room did you put it?
A clock? With my computer, microwave and sidekick, I don't need a clock. These things tell time. But, I guess the last clock I bought was an alarm clock for my bedroom.

That's it, folks. I'm a little disappointed that the questions aren't a bit more intellectual or thought-provoking. Hopefully, I'll return in a few days with something real to talk about. I blame my brain shut-down on too much movies and TV. It's almost as if I could feel my brain cells withering away each hour I'm watching the electrical box. I need a remedy.

Want to hear my thoughts on something? Drop me a line - then I'll have something to talk (and think) about!

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