Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday's Feast

Well, it's Friday again. This week has flown by for me, somewhat. I'm looking forward to this weekend; well, namely tomorrow because I'm having a pool party. Not necessarily to celebrate Memorial Day (I'm not exactly patriotic) but I am using the holiday as an excuse to have a party. I'm not expecting a lot of people but that's OK. I live in an apartment so I shouldn't be having too many people over anyway. I like smaller groups because that way I get to have more time with my closest friends rather than spending minutes here and there with people I don't really know that well. I think I'm going to have more pool parties in the summer - that should be fun.

Apparently, the chef is on vacation this week so no Friday's Feast today - so I am using one from previous weeks. This batch is pretty interesting....

When someone smiles at you, do you smile back?
You always hear that smiles are contagious. I think it's true. If I see someone, a stranger, an acquaintance or a friend, I do smile back. Not because I want to but because it's polite. Sometimes it's annoying that I have to smile back. Sometimes I just want to stare back at them and silently dare them to say something. But I haven't really had the guts to do that yet. Normally, when I'm in a bad mood, I don't smile back - regardless of who smiled at me.

Describe the flooring in your home. Do you have carpet, hardwood, vinyl, a mix?
I have carpet pretty much everywhere in my apartment. Typically, the bathrooms and kitchen has tiles. Nothing exciting. My carpet's pretty dirty because I have 2 kids and 3 pets. But I seriously think that these are old stains from previous tenants that just keep coming back. I'm a neat freak so seeing these stains annoy me to no end.

Write a sentence with only 5 words, but all of the words have to start with the first letter of your first name.
Mrs. Moose moaned meaningless meanings.

Main Course
Do you know anyone whose life has been touched by adoption?
Not exactly. I know people who were adopted. I have two adopted cousins. None of the stories are outrageous or touching in my opinion. Just a typical "I don't have parents so someone else adopted me." But - I do know someone who was touched by an almost-adoption. My own family (my dad, to be specific). My sister almost gave her baby up for adoption and my family freaked. I'm happy to say that at the very last minute, my sister changed her mind and decided to keep her daughter. We were all impacted by this almost-adoption that we all became insanely close to my niece.

Name 2 blue things.
Roses and balls. No - blue roses aren't real but it's my favorite and there's nothing in here that says it has to be real. As for blue balls - I don't think I have to explain.

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