Tuesday, May 20, 2008


So.. today's Tuesday. Time flew by for me the last couple days, which is pretty amazing because last week just seemed to drag on forever and ever. I'll start with the weekend. I ended up staying home on friday, went grocery shopping on saturday to pick up a couple things and ended up going to a party. At times, I enjoyed myself and at other times, I didn't. Sunday, there was church and at the last minute, I decided to go to someone's house for a supposed pool party. It got cancelled and we weren't notified on time. It's a long story. So, I ended up at my apartment with my sister, her two kids and my own two kids. We chatted a little, watched Tom & Jerry episodes and I took a nap....

Then on Sunday after my nap to today, I've been occupied with different things. I've been sleeping in, watching movies, took the kids swimming and ate at McDonald's. What movies did I watch? Hmm, I watched quite a bit. I'm a movie junkie - so of course, I'm having more movies shipped in from Netflix this week and will be watching 3 or 4 more within the next few days.

Here's my quick review of everything I've watched.

Becoming JaneIt's a good movie. True story - tells of Jane Austen's life. For you non-readers, Jane Austen is a writer from back in the 1800's when they looked down upon women's writings. She broke through the obstacles and became one of the most famous English writers ever. She only wrote 6 books and 3 of them have been turned into movies. I'm sure you all have heard of them... "Pride and Prejudice," "Sense and Sensibility," and "Mansfield Park." I'm a little embarrassed. I had thought she wrote "Jane Eyre" and "Wuthering Heights" but that was actually the Bronte sisters - Charlotte and Emily, respectably. Anyway, I'm getting off the point. The movie was good but I felt it was a little slow, maybe because I was sleepy. I ended up falling asleep and missed the ending. But I know how it ends now.

Autopsy Files
I can sum it all up in two words: Very Interesting. It's an HBO series focusing on forensic science and anthropology. Using dead bodies to solve crimes - that sort of thing. Yeah, I'm morbid but things like that fascinate me. I tried finding other DVDs but none have subtitles or closed captioning so I'm utterly disappointed. But - I'm gonna keep looking anyway. This DVD had two episodes that talked about memorable crimes that they came across and what happened to the people that died. I guess I'd have to say that this isn't for the faint hearts. They showed pretty gruesome pictures of the bodies and stuff. Actually, I didn't find them gruesome and disturbing at all, but I'm sure a lot others would. I found them all very fascinating. One thing did disturb me though. It wasn't the photos - it was the story itself. One woman had 9 biological and 1 adopted babies and killed them all. The medical examiners were stupid, stupid, stupid! They basically labeled all the deaths as a "natural death." Until the adopted baby died, they started to figure out that they all didn't die of natural causes (which meant SIDS, a genetic disorder, so forth). But this lady kept having more babies (I forget how many more) before they finally decided that she was responsible for all the deaths. Sad story. I remember sitting there when they first mentioned the case. Three kids - then one by one, they all died within a few months of each other. I thought "oh, poor mommy." Then a 4th kid was born and he died. Uh oh. By the time, they mentioned the 5th, I just knew the 5th would die and that the mother was responsible. More and more kids were mentioned and I just felt disgusted.

Mad Max 2 (Road Warrior)Hmm, what can I say? This is a movie for boys, 100%. Sure, all the stunts are nice, very entertaining and pretty violent. I suppose it's an original - I don't think I've seen another movie that had the creativity that Mad Max 2 had. The plot, the characters, the costumes (which was SO 80's), the sequencing of the scenes and stunts, etc. It would be safe to bet that these actors/actresses had a blast making this movie. There was a cute little boy in it that was called the "Feral Kid," I guess. I can see why - but he was cute anyway.

National Treasure 2Good movie. First one was better, I think. There's nothing wrong with this movie - it's just that I wasn't so captivated by it as I was with the first movie. The plot is generally the same. Clues come up and Nicholas Cage's character is supposedly brilliant and knows EVERYTHING, solves all clues with such ease, it seems like he solved the whole puzzle in literally 2 hours. The characters don't sleep either. I wasn't paying attention to the time span but it just seemed like everything happened in one day. If not one day then in 2 or 3 days. Not possible! SPOILER ALERT ::: Of course, he finds the treasure. If you saw the first movie, you HAD to know he would find the treasure at the end of the movie. I hate to say this but there wasn't really an element of surprise at all in this movie. It was all just... too routine.

This isn't even worth a mention, but I guess I'm mentioning it anyway. There was a time where I actually enjoyed Stephen King movies (Storm of the Century, The Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, and Rose Red) but nowadays, the movies are just too much alike, not scary enough and too predictable.

Anyway, movie talk aside...I was checking out one of the writing blogs and today's prompt was to write a story that revolves around this line... "You put on a jacket and discover something strange in your pocket." Immediately, I thought of a hotel room key. Not just any room key. A very specific room key. An old fashioned room key that's a real key with a plastic red oval-shaped key chain attached to it. Don't ask me why I thought of that but I thought it was hilarious. If you've watched an HBO mini-series called "The Lost Room," you'd get what I mean. If you haven't seen it, rent it. It's interesting.

Finally, here's one thing that stands out about the last couple days. Yesterday, actually. I got stung by a bee for the very first time in my life. All I hear from people are how horrible it is to get stung. Of course, it isn't fun. It stung for a couple seconds, not too bad, pulled out most of the stinger and then went on about my business. There's redness, swelling and a little soreness but come on people, getting stung by a bee isn't all that bad! People are just overreacting.

Well, it seems that tonight's blog is almost turning into a book so I better stop here. I'll be back to write about more things, hopefully a lot more interesting. We'll see how the next couple days go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ME...You ARE a weirdo like me :D hee heeee...i can't wait to rent, Autopsy Files! lol...MM